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NameBecky Clark Carter
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MessageBrother Snow, I'm so glad to hear you are doing so well! I was one of the hippies in your congregation in the early 70's. You and Belmont Church were the only two in Nashville that would let us in. Your level of fame does not match the extraordinary level of your accomplishments--surely God's way of protecting you from pride that could lower your position in Eternity. Millions of souls will greet and thank you in Heaven for bringing them into salvation and the knowledge of Christ. My sister and mother, who both died young, will be among them. I don't know if you realize it, but your balanced, rich, and unpolluted teaching of the Bible set a foundation under me and others that has protected us from falling into the many false teachings that our American culture has produced. In more than 40 years as a Christian, I've not heard a Bible teacher match your talent and wisdom. And I've not seen a Revival such as the one God performed through you among country music singers. Kris Kristofferson, Larry Gatlin, Johnny Cash, Connie Smith and so many came to Christ in your church, you had to knock out a wall. And, I hope you put the "Gospel Road" DVD on your website. Please get on Facebook so more can communicate with you. Brother Snow, I cannot thank you enough for your being such an anointed instrument to impart Eternal Life in me and my family and such a love for and knowledge of Jesus and His Word. Your reward in Eternity will be enormous. Bless you. Becky Clark Carter of Nashville

Namejimmie snow
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MessageHi Mrs Warren,
It has been many years since our shows in Fla. It is so nice hearing from you. My email address is
[email protected]. if you should get time, I would love to hear from you via email. Do you have any photo's from that time? If so I would love to see them. I am actively in the ministry these days, and have been for the last 53 years. Are you still living in Fla?, and at the same place?

Have a Merry Christmas,

Jimmie Snow

NameEuda Lou Warren
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MessageI often think of the time when you was backup singer for Elvis. You were at our house (Bill& Ginny Viehman). Elvis learned to ski then. He went into town to get a life jacket first. I always loved it when we had you singers at the house. Fish fry, swimming, skiing, fishing and just relazing for all of you. That was in Winter Garden, Florida on Lake Butler

NameCarolyn Glover
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MessageBrother Jimmie,
I can call you brother because we have the same FATHER.. I got a double dose of the blessing I was expecting today at Bethlehem Community Church in Clarks Hill, S.C. Where Robert Cook is pastor..We were so honored to have you back and the devil didn't stop me from being there this time.. PRAISE GOD!!!
God bless you and Sheri and I'm praying for a safe trip home for you.
Hope to see you back again real soon..
With Love and Blessings to you both and to your ministry,

Private Message added 2011-11-08

NameRay Davenport
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MessageJimmie you probably don't remember me but I gave you a traffic ticket in Goodlettsville Tn. and I had no idea that I would ever come to your church at Evangle Temple but I did. To make a long story short I got saved there and also was baptised in the holy spirit. I will never forget the experence I had in that church. I still tell people about that church and you. I love you very much and still thank of you as my pastor. May God bless you and always be with you.

NameShirley Reilly
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MessageHi Jimmy and Sheri

Early 2000's i was at a concert you did at Pastor Howard Holmes church camp in Killam's Mills New Brunswick Canada . Really enjoyed that concert!

Probably in the early '60's someone gave me an LP by you and your 1st wife Carol as a Christmas gift. I loved that album and i loved to sing , which i did often in my local church in Campbellton New Brunswick Canada.........and frequently sang one of the songs from that LP.

One song i remember well... "Neither Do I Condemn Thee"......came in my mind a few days ago because of a book i am reading .Is there a way i can bring up that LP's songs....and lyrics ? Or it on CD........can i purchase it ?

I knew you were a Pastor in Nashville but lost touch over the years and didn't realize until i saw you and Sheri that you remarried.

May i ask........did you and Carol divorce or did she die ? How many children did you have ?

I had that LP with me at the Killam's Mill's concert. I planned to "flash" it in the middle of a song but changed my mind because i didn't want to offend Sheri . The cover is a full blown pic of you and Carol.

You and Sheri sing well together. Again , i really enjoyed that concert....might have been between 2002 and 2004.

God Bless you both
Keep preaching the Word and singing

You are Blessed and Highly Favored

Shirley (& Ephraim )Reilly

Nameminerva johnson
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MessageJimmy, I have heard it said that "a friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart". I would be honoured to call you friend!

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MessageThank you for a wonderful evening in Cold Lake. I really enjoyed your stories about the many stars you associated with and felt closer to God and Jesus as a result of your faith. Keep up the good work. We are in a troubled world and we need folks like you to show us that there really is good in the world. God bless you as you spread his word.

NamePam Green
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MessageI had the privilage of listening to you in Cold Lake, Alberta, Oct.8/11. I enjoyed the evening very much. You sound like your father whose music I listened to & still listen to. Thank You for a very enlightening evening. May God Bless You.

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