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NameSandra Di Pasqua
Locationclick picture for more information
Messageciao a tutti i torricellani da sandra la nipote di don francesco

NameMaureen Nicolo
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Everyone,
My great-grandfather was from Torricella and after some great help from those who made this website I am getting married there this August. I just want to say thanks so much for all your help! I could of never pulled it off without you. There are very helpful and kind people! smilie

NameRosella Passalacqua & Roberto Bonfiglio
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi everyone,
It`s very honoring to have a site which brings together Torricellanìs from all over the world. I have been to this beautiful village six times. I belong to both the Passalacqua and Carapella families as both my parents were born there. When I visit Torricella, I feel right at home as the Italian culture and traditions have been transmitted to me as a child. When I am on vacation there, I am very emotional as I feel as though I`ve gone back into time where so much history has been preserved. I am very proud to be Italian and I have married an Italian Carabiniere from Genova (Regione Liguria) in September 2002. I love Italy so much that I decided to get married by the Italian Riviera. I hope to go back to Torricella one day soon as I miss taking in the great pure mountain air of La Maiella. I leave you with a few words from my husband; ciao e a presto!...Rosella
Sono Roberto, il marito di Rosella. Mi sono trasferito a Montréal (Canada) dopo il mio matrimonio che é stato celebrato a Genova. La luna di miele é stata caratterizzata da una piccola sosta a Torricella Peligna presso i nonni di mia moglie. Ho trovato questo piccolo paese molto caratteristico dal punto di vista storico e culturale. La vista della montagna de "La Maiella", offre una sensazione di libertà.
Torricella é un paesino molto pittoresco e le persone sono cordiali con i turisti. Spero di ritornarci presto. Ciao a tutti i torricellani... Roberto..

Nameyvonne parrucci-mayo
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHello, My name is Yvonne Parrucci-Mayo. My family Parrucci, is from Italy. I am not sure from where. My grandfather was Henry Parrucci and grandmother was Mary Palumbo. They both immigrated to the US through Ellis Island in the early1900's. Any information about either of these families would be greatly appreciated.

NameEric Stanley
Locationclick picture for more information
I just happened upon your site and saw the name of Dan Aspromonte in researching my Grand mothers history I Have Come across the name of Grace Aspromonte who came from around the same place as my great Grandfather Joesph Piccoli who was born in Toricella Peligna, Chieti, Italy 12-19-1878, I am not sure of a relation but I do know that the 2 families were very close if not related Grace moved to Colorado and has a daughter Gina Apromonte-Piccoli in Durango Colo. If anyone can give me more information I would appreciate it.
Tanks Eric Stanley smilie

Private Message added 2007-02-08

NameIrene De Lellis Lennon
Locationclick picture for more information

Still looking for information for my grandmother, maiden name Maria Di Paolo. Married my grandfather Camillo De Lellis in 1891 in Torricella.

Irene smilie smilie

NameIrene De Lellis Lennon
Locationclick picture for more information
This is a message for Barbar Di Iorio. I think I might have gone to school with you in Phila. So nice to see that your family came from Torricella also. I am also looking for information on my grandparents. I have gotten a lot of great information from Dan & Al. smilie smilie

NameAnita Marti
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageUps i forgot my emailadress for news;-)

[email protected]

Thank you for your help to find marianna piccolismilie
She was a frend from me in the scool in switzerland.

NameAnita Marti
Locationclick picture for more information
Ich verstehe kein Italienisch, aber ich suche eine Person und habe deswegen gegoogelt. Ich suche Marianna Piccoli. Vielleicht kennt sie jemand?
Ich würde mich über ein email von Ihr freuen!
Sie war einmal meine beste Freundin in der Schweiz und ich denke oft an sie.Leider haben wir uns aus den Augen verloren, was ich sehr schade finde!
Liebe Grüsse Anita

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