This Guestbook is for all three of my blogs
- The Sinking of the Oceanos
-The Ex Premier Milling MIS Team
- My Personal Blog, The tales of Rosie Roo

NameArthur 'Chip' Gillaspy
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageThank you for your site and sharing your story. I was unfamiliar with the Oceanos incident until today. Having been in a field where lives depend on others, I was appaled at the Captain's and some of the crew's handling of the situation. It was heartwarming though, how others with no training, took control and used sound judgement.

Thank you for sharing, it helps renew faith in Humankind.

NameArthur 'Chip' Gillaspy
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageThank you for your site and sharing your story. I was unfamiliar with this incident until today. Having been in a field where lives depend on others, I was appaled at the Captain's and some of the crew's handling of the situation. It was heartwarming though, how others with no training, took control and used sound judgement.

Thank you for sharing, it helps renew faith in Humankind.

NameKelli Garner
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI enjoy this site, it is worth me coming back

NameGoran Mirosavljević
Locationclick picture for more information

Private Message added 17-Sep-2009

NameWalter Hart
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI use the video of this tragic event as a learning tool on Leadership. Moss & Julian are truly inspiring. We can all learn from them about stepping forward, acting as leaders in times of need.


NameBradley Roll
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageGood reading, few spelling mistakes but then didn't you also go to the Hill???? Hehe! Send me an update when you have done South Africa

NameJohn Newman
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MessageI was just wondering if anyone has any information regading the captain that left all of the stranded people to fend for themselves.
Amazing rescue and some real heroes with this life changing experience.

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MessageHi all survivors and those involved in the rescue. I am one of the survivors. I am writing a book about the oceanos and the sinking of it and want to include all of you - names/stories/pictures as a memory and dedication to all of you. mostly it is my experience but also want to write about what you have to say and how you were involved....this will be included in my book so please email me anything you know or have ie pictures and your story to my email: [email protected]. I am also looking for the passenger list as i want to include all the names of everyone onboard that was rescued - any advise where i can get this? Thanks for helping me complete my mission..Kindest regards Katy

NameMark V
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi, great site. I too was part of the Premier family way back in the late 80's. I will get in touch soon.

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