This Guestbook is for all three of my blogs
- The Sinking of the Oceanos
-The Ex Premier Milling MIS Team
- My Personal Blog, The tales of Rosie Roo

NameDane Herman
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MessageHi, I was fortunate to be part of the rescue mission that responded to the Oceanos while I was working at the fire department in East London. We got the call just past midnight and responded with our 4 x 4, rubber duck and other rescue equipment which we thought might be needed. After everybody was taken off the ship I went to Hole in the Wall and watched through the binoculars how the Oceanos sank. It was unbelievable. I am really blessed to have been in a position, as a fire fighter and fire officer to help many, many people that were in distress. I now have my own health and safety training company and always tell my students about my experiences.

NameKathy Hurly
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MessageIt only takes a tragedy like the Concordia to remind us that life is short. My son Aidan is at St Charles College and will be using this story to illustrate that courage is not owned by soldiers in movies but each of us may be called to be courageous we just do not know the moment. Building caring communities promotes selflessness and courage during a disaster.

NameAlisa Garrett
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MessageWe need to do more about these weasel captains abandoning ship and leaving passengers. I found your blog while scouting around about the Costa Concordia. Sounds like your Captain got away scott free. We must prosecute Schettino so only reliable and responsible captains will dare apply.

NameEleanor Vosbein
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MessageWe sailed on the Oceanos in spring, 1990, same captain. The next year I stayed up all night watching "my" ship sinking and later told my son. "Mother, better to watch from your living room than the deck of the ship!" New sinking of a ship brought back memories. What happened to "our" captain? Was he punished in any way?

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MessageJust wanted to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who visits my blog and leave messages, without you I would lose interest! smilie smilie

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MessageHi Steven, Thank you for your message, yes I will try and get hold of Rose, it could prove to be quite interesting to see what else we have in common with sinking ships, and the weird thing is there are "Metcalf's" somewhere in my family.

Thanks for the Message Cat yes I did meet Tom Hines while on the Oceanos. I have some photos of him somewhere I will dig out.

NameSteven C. Tucker
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MessageDear Rose,
I am so glad you made it safely, along with your friends, and your accounting of events is very enlightening, especially with the sinking of the Costa Concordia, deja vu! By coincidence another Rose has her own tale to tell, from the Costa Concordia, since she was the last to be air-lifted before they found more survivors! Perhaps you will have a chance to compare notes since she lives in England, that is, if you vacation there again! She was one of the entertainers on the Costa Concordia. Quoting a news article: "Rose Metcalf, a 23-year-old crew member, wiped away tears as she told how she wrote a note to her mother in case she did not survive.
'There was absolute panic. It was just terrifying, I was just trying to keep people calm. People were white, people were crying, screaming,' she told BBC television on her return to England."
Anyway, thank you for telling your story! Take care!
P.S. I am a 56 year old guy who has been following the Costa Concordia story from my home in Florida.

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MessageHi, did,you know Tom Hines, he was an entertainer on board, a piano player. I know that entertainer Robin Boltman knew him.


NameMichael O'Mahoney aka Jack Daniels
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MessageHappy 20th Anniversary of the Oceanos sinking.
Hope you are all well.
Jack Daniels smilie

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MessageRose you really did a FAB job, if not for your hard work and dedication we would not be in touch with any ex Priemier Mis work mates. Than You ina smilie smilie

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