This Guestbook is for all three of my blogs
- The Sinking of the Oceanos
-The Ex Premier Milling MIS Team
- My Personal Blog, The tales of Rosie Roo

Private Message added 18-Dec-2010

NameNcedisa Kandawire
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Everyone, well done for coming up with this fantastic idea, it is important to keep in touch. I work for FNB with Dorothy and Oscar, I will inform them about this site and we will keep in touch.

Kind Regards

NameNcedisa Kandawire
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Everyone, well done for coming up with this fantastic idea, it is important to keep in touch. I work for FNB with Dorothy and Oscar, I will inform them about this site and we will keep in touch.

Kind Regards

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MessageThanks Dalene, so nice to know that there is someone new out there reading it! smilie

NameDalene Alberts
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageYour doing such a good job here! so nice to see all the 'young' old faces.....

Private Message added 27-Aug-2010

NameTalitha Pezzoni
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHello everyone!

I am an intern working for Story House Productions in Berlin, Germany.
We are currently working on a TV item about the Oceanos. It is going to be shown in the TV program Galileo X.perience. The difference to many other documentaries and reports about the sinking Oceonos is, that we not only tell the story, but we also want to find out WHY and HOW the people survived. This is going to be tested in various experiments. E.g. How long can someone survive in cold water? How many people can fit in a life boat (especially in a panic)? Is it wise to overload a life boat? Etc.

I am interested to find as many survivors as possible who are willing to talk to me about what happened and their feelings and thoughts.

If anyone would like to tell me their story, please send an e-mail to: [email protected].

I am hoping to hear from someone smilie.

(Rose Mary Rowe, I already contacted you via e-mail. Did you receive it?)

Kind regards,

Nameangi murphy
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi there

Wow, I can't believe that I have only found your blog now! My ex husband and I were on the Oceanos when it sank as well. I have always wondered if anyone had written a book, or even had documented their experiences. I worked for Rennies Travel in Port Elizabeth at the time and a few of us all took the trip to East London for a 'fun' trip to Durban. We were on the last life boat that left and were rescued by the oil tanker, the Big Nancy.
To think that it was 19 years ago this week, wow, time sure flies.

I would love to know where I can get a copy of the book, so if you could please let me know.

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageMy parents watched the NBC show about the Oceanos last night and told me about it today. I've been researching the story for the last hour or so and ran across your blog. As the wife of a boat captain, I was especially interested in the story, was appalled at Avranas' behavior, and find God's sovereign grace in saving every life onboard amazing!

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MessageYou are not the only one Darren. I think if the passengers had their way they would have hung the Captain when they got to the Haven, but the Captain went and hid away, what a coward. I think we got our justice though, because each day he has to live with the fact that he never did a thing to help the passengers get off the ship. So the more programs that are made about the Oceanos the more this is highlighted and the more people get to see him for the coward he really is.

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