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NamePhyllis Clarke-Bye
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MessageTo Peggy and the family,
I regret that we are so far away and I didn't get
know Zac as well as I would have liked. He was very special in many ways. My heart breaks knowing the pain and loss you feel.
If there is anything you need or that we can do for any of you let me know. Know that I love you
and my thoughts and prayers are with you.
Aunt Phyllis

NameKatie Petty (McDonell)
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MessageI knew Zac many years ago but it still makes me incredibly sad to hear about his loss. I cannot express how sorry I am to hear about his passing. He had a great spirit and I know his memory will live forever in the hearts of his family and friends. My deepest condolences go out to his family.

NameTina Clark
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MessageMy prayers are with you all at this time. I was shocked to find out the day after the memorial service as I was reading the West Valley View from Tuesday. I would have loved to be there at the service. I will always remember Zac. He was my student at Scott Libby and I enjoyed having him. I can't begin to tell you how I feel right now. I found an excellent website which is This is a support group and it has helped me after my mom passed away. is another one.
God Bless you all.
Tina Clark

NameStacy Manalastas
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MessageThough it's getting close to 10 years since I saw or talked to Zac back at MHS, I remember his smile and his unforgettable personality. I am still in shock and sadden by such a great loss. To his loving family - my thoughts and prayers go out to you. Please take care...I am sure Zac will be watching over you all.

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You touched so many lives during your short time here. All of these messages are truly a testiment to the type of person you were and the lives you changed. I am blessed to have had a piece of that.

Mark, Peggy, Glenn, Jeremy, Kristin, Ryan, and Jessica,

I know there are few words that can console during a time like this. My heart greives for your loss. Please know that you are all in my prayers during this difficult time, and always.

With Love,

Kerri Casa (Seaman)

NameMelissa Scism
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You will be missed! I remember when you ask me if I would be your partner in swing dancing in 9th grade I remember you had to talk me into it and had to beg me lol and I thank you for that, YOU got me into wanting to dance! I remember we would practice till the sun went down in front of my house in LP and you wouldn't let us quite in till we got it down just right. I laugh when we where at winter formal and I was all dressed up and you as well, Coming running up and told me I just ask the DJ to play a swing song "WHERE DANCING YOU SAID" and sure enough you had me out on the dance floor swing dancing in my formal dress lol I remeber you would always make sure I got home while I walked you would skate board beside me. I wish I would have stayed more in touched. I love you friend and you will be miss! I am sorry to the family and my heart and prays go out to you all. smilie

NameCelina Vila
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MessageFirst off, I would like to say I'm sorry to Zac's family. No parents should ever have to burry a child and I understand how hard this must be for you. Also losing a brother is hard as well. I had the pleasure of having Zac as a close dear friend, and he was one of the most amazing friends I ever had. He was generous, kind, loving, and always happy. He loved his friends and loved being with them just as we loved being with him. He always put a smile on everyone's face and always wanted to make sure everyone around was having a good time. To know that we were happy made him happy. I admired that so much and is my favorite quality about him. He would give so much and never ask for anything back. He is loved and missed and will never be forgotten.

NameJackie Davis
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MessageYou were a great guy and will be missed very much.

NameMelissa Rivas (Goodspeed)
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MessageI knew Zac from Middle School and High School. He always made me laugh and had a smile that was contagious! Just a few weeks ago I was going through old photos and I came across a few with Zac in them, I think they were from his sophomore year. I loved watching him at swim practice and at his meets! He will be missed! My thoughts and prayers are with your family.

NameJonathan Frank
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MessageZac was always the life of the swim team. He was an amazing positive person and his enthusiasm for life flooded into all those around. I am fortunate to have known Zac and my thoughts go out to his family.

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