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NameLarry and Beverly Clark
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MessageDear Mark and Peggy,
A few days ago we had dinner at Savannah's in Sedona--a very fancy and expensive restaurant. I remembered how Zac paid for Peggy, Jeremy, Mary, Joey, and me to have a special dinner there where he worked as an assistant chef. The table was espccially decorated and the waiters, cooks, dishwashers, and the manager came to our table to tell us how much they appreciated Zac.
Zac loved to surprise people and do special things for them.
The last conversation we had with Zac, he was talking about a book "Fishers of Men," which is about reaching out to other people. Zac said he felt drawm to the book, which was no surprise because he was always reaching out to other people.
We miss him,
Larry and Beverly

NameLarry Clark
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Messagesmilie My Dear Daughter,
My heart broke as I read your words that you wished with all your heart that Zac would have been fine that day you were going to be with him, and instead you won't have any more days with him in this life.
You went on to accept that SOMEHOW God saw it best to take Zac home at this time. I can only say as your earthly father that I love you and I am extremely proud of the way you have met some terrible sorrows in life.
I know that your Heavenly Father loves you even more than I, and that He sees your sorrow and He is honored by your unwavering trust in Him.
Love you always,

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MessageThinking about Zac
Zac did always have big dreams. Last month, he was talking to me about one of the ideas he had for his future and he mentioned that a friend, I forget the name of the friend smilie, said to him, "Zac, reach for the stars but keep your feet on the ground." If you were that friend, I just wanted to let you know that he did listen and appreciated what you told him!!

NameMom and Mark
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MessageThinking about Zac:
Zac, like many of us, struggled with feelings of shame and worthlessness. In the 2 or so months preceding his death, he had begun to discover anew the amazing love that Jesus Christ had for him. Those of you who were close to Zac in the weeks just prior to his death may remember that he had purchased a Christian book at a used bookstore and he was excited about the new insights he was gaining as he read it. Zac read me a few passages that were especially meaningful to him over the phone.
After he passed away, we found the book among his things. Here is one of the sections that meant so much to him.
"Jesus mingled with publicans and harlots and He loved them. He certainly didn't love graft and harlotry, but rather He loved the people that were victims of the wrong 'music' they had tuned in to. That He dissociated the sinner from the sin is evidenced by the way in which He destroyed the sin and saved the sinner. He said, "Go and sin no more; Today shalt thou be with me in Paradise; Thy sins are forgiven." Like a great marksman in India, described in one of our childhood stories, who shot the tiger that was carrying off a child, without hitting the child, Jesus always could hit the sin without hitting the sinner."

NameKen and Mary Richardson
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MessageDear Tom, Donna and Family,
The Memorial to Zac is beautiful. You are all in our hearts, thoughts and prayers.
God Bless You All.

NameThe Byassee Family
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MessageWe know that nothing we can say will ease your your pain and heartache no family should have to go through what you are going through. We wanted you all to know how sorry we are for this horrible loss. We are thinking of you all.

Zack-we will not say good bye but we will say "Dude, we will see you later."

Frankie, Kelly,
Kenny, Kameron, Kyle & Kristal Byassee
Matt Webb and Carol & Gordan Barton

NameJeff & Debbie Miller
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageDear Tom & Donna and family,

Please accept our heartfelt sympathy for your loss.
Always remember the joy Zac brought to your lives
and smiles to your faces.

May God Bless Zac and your entire family!

With much love from the Miller family!

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NameKatherine QuareQuio
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MessageJeremy (& Family),

This site is such a wonderful way to honor Zac's life & memory. I was obviously much closer to you than I was to Zac, but I have many great memories of you both.

We all spent so many evenings at the Scout Hut staying until it was dark out. I remember the smell of the grass, waiting with Mom to pick up my brother, and how excited I was when your meetings would finally get out, & I'd get to see you and Zac for even just a minute (it was always worth the wait). We always had so much fun laughing together, playing around, etc.

I'll never forget the ski trip we all went on together in January of 1995 to Sunrise or the summer swim party right after your mom and Mark got married. When I think of those memories(among others)I can't EVER recall spending 1 second with Zac where he didn't have a HUGE smile on his face. smilie He made EVERY event more memorable, & he was truly passionate about life! I can only trust God with His decision to bring Zac home as early as he did. I regret that we all didn't stay closer through the years, but I think of you, Glen, Zac, and your parents often.

Unfortunately, I learned of Zac's passing from my mom who called me after she had read about it in the West Valley View and the service had already commenced. You know if I had known, I certainly would have been there. I will continue to pray for you and your family. If you need ANYTHING, my family and I are here for you and yours.

Love Always,


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MessageA favorite memory: Jeremy was 7, standing in the hallway and had been scolded by his mother for something and sent to his room (which he shared with Zac, bunk beds). Jeremy was crying and said "Oh, I wish I had someone to play with." Out stretched these two little arms, little hands grabbed Jeremy's shirt and whisked him into the bedroom. "I'll play with you, Jeremy", I heard in Zac's little 4 year old voice.

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