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NameJeremy Shouse
MessageSince going online, there have been 1,545 unique visitors to this site and it has been accessed 7,223 times. I think that says a lot about how many people Zac had touched in his short time on this world. I as spend today with my family I am reminded that our legacy is measured by our relationships. I will endeavor to live this life to its fullest.

NameLarry Clark
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MessageWhen Zac first came to live with me he got a job in the first 4 days! Actually it was the second job offer, the first was for a feed and pet store, but Peggy reminded him that he was allergic to hay.
Zac enjoyed his work at Coffee Roasters until the coffee shop went out of business due to Starbucks opening new stores in Sedona.I visited the store and Zac introduced me around. The owner came to my table and told me how pleased he was with Zac. His fellow employees all liked Zac and were friendly to me.
Zac joined an athletic club and worked out 3 days a week. He developed a very strong body--I forget how many pounds he could bench press but it was an amazing amount. Zac made friends at the athletic club as well as at work--in fact he made friends wherever he went.

NameChristopher Gotts
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MessageWow, i just asked my mother debora if she has talked to peggy lately cuz i missed them. and that was like a week ago... and then here last night i get a word from my little bro ian which is the god son of peggy, and the godbrother of zac and jeremy. well ian says he doesnt really remmber u guys a little bit of peggy.. which totally means it was time to see eachother again. ian has a boy named nathan now. 2 yrs old. a blessing to our family. well i really likd zac when i remember him he was always funny and had a great heart, kinda like me lol... and this is terrible news to me.. and so late too ... he was only one year older than me. smilie .. idk what else to say but i miss you guys all... i miss u Zac shouse. u werre like a brother to me that i rarely saw. much love from our family.

NameDebora Gotts
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MessageIn memory of Zac Shouse:

Although I did not know you as a man I did know your parents at your age, when you were just a tot. Visiting this site, the slide show and photos give witness to the love, investment, support and joy that your parents poured out to you and your siblings. I can also see the love you have for your family. It reminds me of the day your father played the organ at my wedding - with passion and love of God that seemed bigger than life itself.

I see strength, faith, and hope here.

I am certain that you are now free from the pain and suffering of life. It is now joy and peace for you.

For those left behind, my heart breaks with the sorrow your loss brings. I will especially keep your mother in my prayers; I can hear how much she loves and misses you. I also hear strength, faith and hope in her voice.

You are part of an amazing family.

All my love,

MessageI'm Free (from the card Maryann and Vito sent us)

Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free,
I'm following the path God laid for me.
I took God's hand when I heard the call;
I turned my back and left it all.

I could not stay another day,
To laugh, to love, to work or play.
Tasks left undone must stay that way.
I found that place at the close of day.

If my parting has left a void,
Then fill it with remembered joy.
A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss.
Ah yes, these things too I will miss.

Be not burdened with times of sorrow;
I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow.
My life's been full, I've savored much,
Good friends, good times, a loved one's touch.

Perhaps my time seemed all too brief,
Don't lengthen it now with undue grief.
Life up your heart and share with me--
God wanted me now, God set me free.

NameLarry and Beverly Clark
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MessageTom wrote about Zac being of such help to Donna's family at the funeral for Ron, Donna's father.
Zac came home from that funeral with a packet of seeds that had been distributed for the mourner's to plant: forget-me-nots.
We planted the seeds and the flowers are blooming in our front yard--now a memorial to Zac as well as Ron.

Zac worked hard at our local health club to strengthen his body. He developed very large muscles. He also covered his back and upper arms with tatoos, including a large cross on his back. He was wise in limiting the tatoos to areas that could be covered by a short sleeved shirt, so he would not offend potential employers.
One day Zac told me he was going to the bank to complain about a policy they had that was costing him money. He said he intended to express himself loudly enough that customers in the lobby would hear and the bank officers would want to placate him to keep him quiet. I agreed that I had sometimes done the same thing, but I suggested that he not wear the tank top he had on, but change to a short sleeved shirt, so the customers wouldn't think he was just a rabble-rouser.
Zac agreed, changed his shirt, and went to the bank. He came back with a big smile, reporting that the bank gave him a refund and he hadn't needed to make a lot of noise.

NameLarry and Beverly Clark
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MessageBeverly met Zac when he was working as assistant cook at Delish, a vegetarian cafe in Sedona. Zac gave us special attention, waiting on us and introducing us to everyone. When we finished, we asked him if we could give him the tip personally, rather than just putting the money in the jar on the counter.
Zac said, "No," because it wouldn't be fair for him to get a tip directly instead of dividing it up with all the workers there.
Zac was always fair-minded and never wanted to take unfair advantage of anyone.
We loved him for that quality especially.

NameTom Shouse
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MessageAt Christmas a couple years back Zac came down from Sedona to spend a little time with us. Donna's dad was sitting in the family room and called Zac over. "C'mere, I got something to say to you," in that Chicago accent. At the time Zac had shaved his head. Ron pulled Zac close, put $40 in his palm, and said, "Grow your hair out, and quit tryin' to be such a tough guy." I never saw Zac in the tough guy mode after that. A few months later we lost Ron to cancer, and Zac came back down from Sedona and provided such a help and comfort to us all during the funeral. He made quite an impression on Donna's family. I was going through some photos of Ron as a young man, and there he was in the 1950's, dressed like a tough guy, tough guy stance. I felt grateful that a man I had such respect for and who made an impact on me, had a large impact on my son as well.

NameLarry and Beverly Clark
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MessageDear Mark and Peggy,
It has been wonderful to read the guestbook and see how many lives were touched by Zac, including ours.
Mark, we remember that first sorrowful night when you gathered the family together for Scripture reading and prayer. We were blessed and felt the close family ties. This guestbook also has many helpful Scripture passages. We would like to add a hymn or two that Larry shared with Peggy in a previous sorrow:
"My Jesus as Thou wilt: O may Thy will be mine!
Into Thy hand of love I would my all resign.
Through sorrow or through joy,Conduct me as Thine own, And help me still to say,
'My Lord Thy will be done.'

"My Jesus as Thou wilt: Though seen through many a tear, Let not my star of hope grow dim or disappear.
Since Thou on earth hast wept and suffered oft alone, If I must weep with Thee,
'My Lord Thy will be done.'

"My Jesus as Thou wilt: All shall be well for me; Each changing future scene I gladly trust with Thee. Straight to my home above, I travel calmly on, And sing in life or death,
'My Lord Thy will be done."

Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languish; Come to the mercy seat, fervently kneel; Here bring your wounded hearts, here tell your anguish; EARTH HAS NO SORROW THAT HEAVEN CANNOT HEAL.

God redeemed that sorrow into more joy than you hoped for; He will do it again--in this life or the next.

NameAunt Shirley and Uncle Vahe
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MessageDear Peggy and family,

We were so sorry to hear of Zac's passing. He was a young man still filled with hopes and dreams, even athough he had so many problems along the way, we are sure with his families love he would have made wonderful husband and father. We remember the Zac and Jeremy playing soccer in our front yard many years ago and fun we had. We wished so many times that we lived closer to you and your family so we would have know them better.

We love you Peggy and your family. We just want to let you know we are here for you.

Love, Aunt Shirley and Uncle Vahe

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