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NameJan Goodland Metz
Date082010-19pm-10Thu, 19 Aug 2010 12:12:55 -0400
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MessageJust discovering you and your writings, though I've been digging up my yard and planting for 36 years, I look forward to reading your books this winter while everything is frozen. It is amazing what you can grow, very simply in your yard. Now that it is popular, maybe the neighbors won't call the police again when my "grass" (corn) is too high! It has been a great year for butternut squashes, cucumbers, pumpkins really almost everything is good, in my garden here in Rhode Island, good luck getting the river to behave!

NameRhonda Fleming Hayes
Date082010-19am-10Thu, 19 Aug 2010 11:29:43 -0400
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MessageYou continue to inspire! Years ago reading "This Organic Life" gave me the courage to keep kitchen gardening in a conservative neighborhood that didn't understand my passion or mission.
Now I find myself astounded at your optimism and outlook after your flood. Take care Joan.

NameSandy Riegler
Date082010-19am-10Thu, 19 Aug 2010 11:18:10 -0400
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MessageRead the NYT article this morning and want to thank you for persevering and figuring out how to make the bad into good. The world is what it is but our inner self can remain strong and can vibrant no matter the age. I look West at the Pacific Ocean on the N California coast and have learned to cope with wind, salt spray, drought, El Nino torrents, gophers, voles, etc,.......given half a chance, my garden grows quite nicely and is a source of great delight and inspiration always. So are you. Keep smiling and digging! smilie

NameLindy Barnes
Date082010-19am-10Thu, 19 Aug 2010 10:11:12 -0400
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MessageHello, Joan. I read "This Organic Life" back when it first came out many years ago. I have since tried to emulate much of what you have been doing for so many decades. Gardening success is hard to come by living in the Sonoran Desert. I am now, as of two months ago, a retired schoolteacher and am in the process of moving back to my home in northern Michigan where my gardening efforts will be a bit more successful. You are truly an inspiration. Thank you for sharing your life and your food beliefs with all of us.

Lindy Barnes smilie

NameLaura Strom
Date082010-19am-10Thu, 19 Aug 2010 09:37:44 -0400
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MessageI felt very inspired by your story in the NYT this morning...just wanted to put it out there that even with a 5x5 balcony, my husband and I manage to grow all our own herbs! Thanks for all you do.

sign me, doing my small part in downtown Denver.

Private Message added 062010-21pm-10Mon, 21 Jun 2010 14:07:04 -0400

NameCarole Christopher
Date052010-07am-10Fri, 07 May 2010 00:26:28 -0400
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MessageWe wrote a message along with a contribution that I now think you won't receive so here's another try at expressing our shock at seeing how badly your garden was devastated. We're so sorry! We hope you're able to get it all reconstructed and plant a garden that will bring you many delicious harvest meals in 2010.

BTW - great picture of you.


Carole & Rick

NameLorna Sass
Date042010-26am-10Mon, 26 Apr 2010 06:31:58 -0400
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MessageHi Joan: I remember so fondly your being on my doctoral committee at Columbia. What an inspiration you've been!

I was so very sorry to learn about the devastation to your garden, but find myself wondering if there's any possibility that love will be lovelier the second time around... I will be eager to hear about how it all goes.

Thinking of you and wishing you all the best and very strong back and knees! Lorna

Date042010-24pm-10Sat, 24 Apr 2010 16:40:34 -0400
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Joan,

This is your first message and it's just a test

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