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NameHolly Million
Date022011-18pm-11Fri, 18 Feb 2011 22:57:01 -0500
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MessageHi, Joan,

I read your book "This Organic Life," and thought, "Who is this cranky lady? And why do I love her so much?" Then I found your book, "Growing, Older," and I again thought, "Why is Joan so crabby, and I why do I love her so much?" And I think the reason that I love you so much is that I am cranky and crabby just like you, for many of the same reasons -- namely, that I'm tired of seeing humanity make so many boneheaded moves, including constantly accepting the yoke of "our corporate masters." I am converting my suburban yard in Oakland, CA into a micro-farm, and you are one of the inspirations. Thanks, and stay crabby!

-- Holly Million

Date022011-15am-11Tue, 15 Feb 2011 10:16:48 -0500
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MessageGreetings Joan, I just read an article in the Toledo Blade about you. How encouraging. The Local Organic Food movement is growing! Raising my children 20 plus years ago I grew organic, raised chickens and goats, and bought our food from a buying club (see United Natural Foods-UNFI, for a buying club near you)enabling me to feed my children on a very limited income. Even today I find there is no reason to eat the broad range of "foods" that are out there. I grew up on beans and rice. Make that organic, add some organic bread, a glass of grass fed raw milk, what more do you need? Eating has become a peer presure event. You're included if you eat like everyone else. It's extremely hard to stand alone and eat well. Eating organic does not have to be expensive. That is a falacy. You can eat organic very inexpensivly. Blessings to all, JoAnne

Private Message added 022011-14pm-11Mon, 14 Feb 2011 16:37:03 -0500

NameVasundhara D. Kalasapudi MD
Date022011-10pm-11Thu, 10 Feb 2011 15:05:07 -0500
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MessageHi Joan,
I read your book "growing, older".
I love to see your garden and walk on your boardwalk.
I would like to discuss the possibility of developing your concept of "growing, older" for our seniors. (

NameGerri French, RD
Date022011-06am-11Sun, 06 Feb 2011 09:06:55 -0500
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MessageHi Joan,
Isn'it fun to wear earrings? I'm looking at the photo of you and myself in Santa Barbara at the Edible Communities workshop where your talk brought laughter and tears to my eyes; your earrings and scarf add much charm.
I just wanted to let you know how healing your book, "Growing Older" is for me. Not only learning your wisdom about your relationship with Alan (love the red and blue pill segment), but also the challenges of being a nutritionist who believes in Real Food and loves nature. There definitely is more hope these days with more people grasping the simple message of eating "Just Food". I do wish more of my colleagues shared our beliefs and interests in protecting our earth and health; I do feel frustrated and lonely, at times. In your book, page 36 has a paragraph that resonates for me when I teach my culinary students at SBCC; having the class at 7am doesn't help me spread my message of nutrition and sustainability!
Thank you for being you and sharing your life and thoughts with us.

NameSusan McKenna Grant
Date022011-06am-11Sun, 06 Feb 2011 03:36:23 -0500
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MessageDear Joan,

I have just finished reading This Organic Life and am about to start Growing Older. Lunch today is going to be Sri Lankan Cabbage, which sounded so delicious and will make good use of our winter cabbage which must come up so we can start to prepare our beds for spring.

Thank you for your writing, your activism and most of all your farming.



NameBirgitt Evans
Date022011-05pm-11Sat, 05 Feb 2011 13:23:41 -0500
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It was loveley meeting you at the Commonwealth Club. I am so glad to hear that you have raised your garden up. There is no stopping the weather (besides reducing global warming), so we all have to change what we can!

As I said, you are the person I point to when people tell me that it's alright for those of us in California to try to grow our own vegetables, but the rest of the country can't possibly do that. "Oh no, you're wrong! Joan Gussow is doing it in New York." (Far better than I, I might add!)

Again, it was a delight to meet a kindred spirit. I truly believe the changes you have been hoping for and working toward are coming. More slowly than we might hope, but really $10/gallon gasoline is going to be a giant motivator in local food production. And China isn't going away anytime soon!

If you are out this way again, you are more than welcome to visit my gardens.


NameBirgitt Evans
Date022011-05pm-11Sat, 05 Feb 2011 13:23:41 -0500
Locationclick picture for more information

It was loveley meeting you at the Commonwealth Club. I am so glad to hear that you have raised your garden up. There is no stopping the weather (besides reducing global warming), so we all have to change what we can!

As I said, you are the person I point to when people tell me that it's alright for those of us in California to try to grow our own vegetables, but the rest of the country can't possibly do that. "Oh no, you're wrong! Joan Gussow is doing it in New York." (Far better than I, I might add!)

Again, it was a delight to meet a kindred spirit. I truly believe the changes you have been hoping for and working toward are coming. More slowly than we might hope, but really $10/gallon gasoline is going to be a giant motivator in local food production. And China isn't going away anytime soon!

If you are out this way again, you are more than welcome to visit my gardens.


NameSandra Gilman
Date012010-02am-11Sun, 02 Jan 2011 09:48:45 -0500
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I just discovered your books. At age 60 and 62, my husband and I are looking forward to the "next phase" of our lives. You have helped inspire and give us direction.j

Thank you,
Sandy smilie

NameDiana Burns
Date122010-13pm-10Mon, 13 Dec 2010 19:02:52 -0500
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MessageMs. Gussow,
I read your book "This Organic Life" and truly loved it. I hated for it to come to an end. I am planning on reading some of your other publications soon. I have a question for you. Where do you recommend a person start when they have a large amount of land and feel overwhelmed with this space? I live on 250 acres which has 1500+ apple trees, 2 peach trees (not in great condition), and Concord grapes. We also take care of 120+ beef cattle and raise our own beef from them. I have a dedicated area approximately 40ft x 80 ft for a garden. Next years plans include obtaining 5-10 chickens and a couple of milking goats. I have great interest in gardening without pesticides and recycling. I would appreciate any advice you may have. Also, I live in growing zone 6.
Thank you for all the great instruction in your book and I look forward to reading more of your work soon.

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