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Namejody mattice
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagei want to come visit and see this amazing castle. smilie

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MessageHello! I am glad to see that others care about saving and preserving this amazing property.

I wonder if there is any way to contact the current owners. I am part of a non-profit that is interested in the property, and would like to discuss this with them.

Best of luck in your pursuits!

NameNicholai ginovaef
Locationclick picture for more information

NameThomas Kelly
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI am very interested in doing a paranormal investigation at your location. Our facebook site is "Ghost Magnets with a Twist". We are a professional organization and we have had news and TV coverage in the Hudson Valley area of New York. Please send us information regarding what you require and whatever stipulations you may set for us.

Hoping to hear from you soon,
Thomas S.Kelly
Lead Investigator of GMWT
[email protected]

Namekim perry
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagei come down to see the castleon sunday no one was there hope next time i come i get to see it smilie

Namekim perry
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI would love to see the castle let me know when

Locationclick picture for more information
MessagePs my email is [email protected]

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I stumbled upon this site while researching the castle, I quickly fell in love with this property and the history behind it I live in the Utica/Syracuse ny area and have become obsessed with visiting it.. Can anyone help me with obtaining contact information for someone who has access to the property? Any help would be most appreciated smilie thank you

NameJohn Elmquist
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageIf you have a moment to answer this that would be great. Can the public visit the castle? I was going to go and visit it this week while I was on vacation, but it is a 3 hour drive and I don't want to drive all that way just to be turned away. Thanks for a great website smilie and thanks for your time in replying.

John E.

Messagethank you for this site. Yes, this castle is a treasure -- should be better known and celebrated.

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