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MessageYou really just need to get laid man. Shit....

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MessageThanks for creating this site and making it available to everyone. smilie It's nice to know that there are logical, freethinking, and intelligent people in the world.

Namenicole rivera
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MessageThis site is 100 percent true about american women. And needs to win an award of some sort. Not only do more men need to realize this. Women should read this too. To realize what we really think about them. And then maybe they can change some things about theirselves.

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Messagehi there, I would say i'd agree with most of what you say here. However British women are exactly the same.

I do not want a subserviant or submissive wife at all. In fact I like strict domiant women! however, I think US/British women are way too selfish to give a guy what he wants.

British women in general would rather go clubbing with their female friends than go to the same club with their partners.

I think most US/British women are anti men amd are men haters in general.

I think most US/Britishwomen are prudish, inflexible both inside and outside the bedroom. They think they're better than they actually are. They are insular, insecure and paranoid to their clapped out rotten core.

I am now looking for my domiant woman elsewhere in the world that actually shows a guy a bit of respect.

Most US/British women care more about shopping for shoes and all things materialistic than men.

Most of them are parasitic bitches. If I was them? I'd start panicking. There's gonna be a right hemraging of men to foreign shores in the next few years.

My advice to all single US/UK men is: Date foreign women. They're much better catches if you don't get one that's in a scam! Watch out for scams ok peeps?

Sighning out.


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MessageWinston! i have to say that you are true, i feel sorry about all those happen to you in russia.
in 3 days i am going there for a 13 days trip, its not the first time to be there (i used to go there with my ex-wife-she was russian), but this time i go there alonel.
i have lived inside a russian family for more than 3 years and i have to tell you one thing, dont give up, Russians might be clever criminals, BUT THEY ARE ALSO STUPID HUMANS,
You have to move faster than them in order to have the advandage and believe me its not difficult! they use to work one ot two standard ways, if you learn those ways then you already know that they are so f....k stupids that they cannot earn some honest money for themselves, and explain me there any clever woman who would ever risk her health to have sex with a stranger just to scam from him some dollars??? i think no.. so dont be afraid of them, WE ALL MUST BE AFRAID OF OURSELVES, because we fall into the traps they make for us, if we use ousr common sense this will never happen.
, by the way... sometimes you feel that asians are not so lucky like us (white or whatever), DONT DO THIS PLEASE, everybody can be unlucky in his life but this has nothing to do with his colour.
Finishing i want to tell you that by reading your posts i feel that your experience would be very usefull to me, THANK YOU VERY MUCH FRIEND and good luck in your life!.

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Messagesmilie You weren't hired to do what YOU want to do, but what THEY want you to do. Duh.

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MessageI am a Chinese woman and I meet confused foreign men like you all the time.

American women do not like you because when you live in America, you sit on the couch and eat chips and touch yourself (this is what you say on your site).

I will tell you - Chinese women, Russian women, Mexican women - none of us think that makes an attractive man or good mate!

I am sure when you are in a forgiegn country you feel very excited and confident, and instead of staying home you try to do exciting things. If you did that in your home country, and you acted respectful to women you meet, and as happy as you are to meet the "exotic" woman, instead of staying at home eating bad food and touching yourself with the TV as your only friend... you would have more dates.

Response: Meili, you are 1000 PERCENT WRONG, I swear to you! My God! You are actually claiming that all I have to do to get success with girls in the US is just to "go out and meet them?" Damn. You obviously haven't read my website at all, so why are you even posting in the guestbook? I guess some people are just clueless and don't understand shit about others.

FYI, I've gone out and approached THOUSANDS of girls in the US! When I was in college, I barely studied. All I did everyday was walk around campus trying to chat up girls and later in the suburb nearby, with no results. They ALL made excuses and said they had a boyfriend or were busy and not looking!

Staying home and watching TV and eating chips and masturbating is what guys do when they have NO CHOICE. It's not a matter of simply going out there and meeting girls. If it was that easy, then no one would have any dating problems. I'm afraid you know absolutely NOTHING about the real world it seems. I knew that Chinese people were narrow, but your conclusions are more narrow than a sewing string! Sheesh! It's like your intelligence is in the MINUS range! I feel like I'm talking to a child too. Why can't God make the majority of people in the world more open-minded and insightful like me?!

FYI Meili, I've gone out in the USA THOUSANDS of times and tried talking to THOUSANDS of girls. They all made excuses not to spend time with me. It didn't matter how outgoing I was. They expect me to leave them alone and focus on my work or stay home. The girls expect that of me. I HAVE NO FRICKIN CHOICE. Did you even read my website? If so, how can you not understand something so simple and make totally 100 percent asinine conclusions?! Sheesh. Mistakes I can understand, but extreme stupidity makes me angry. Your mistakes are not reasonable ones. If you had read my site and had any common sense, you wouldn't have made such dumb conclusions that had ZERO relevance to anything. It's too bad you didn't leave your email so I could send this to you, because you are not likely to return to this guestbook and check for responses. Oh well.

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MessageWinston, what you are saying is the truth. Now, even Hollywood stars like Gwyneth Paltrow and Johnny Depp are saying the same things you are saying. Both of them moved to Europe and criticize American lifestyle, culture, and materialism and greed. Continue speaking the truth.

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MessageAll the people poo pooing what Winston says than how come Hollywood Stars like Johnny Depp and Gwyneth Paltrow say the same things Winston is saying. Both Johnny and Gwyneth moved to Europe and criticize American lifestyle and consumerist culture. I will do the same as well. Winston, you're doing a great job telling the truth.

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