Blair's Carriage


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Messagehey - our band, lump, played with Blair's Carriage a few times and we went to each other's shows. We were fans! We've just restarted the band and hope to play some shows starting next year. Check out our myspace page if you remember us...

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Thanks for putting this up.

I transferred the last 2 tapes to digital a long time ago on an ancient desktop - they are crap quality.

All my old tapes are in RI - I'm in Texas. I'd love to hear some live stuff and the first demo. I also remember them playing a few songs that I don't think ever got recorded.

As far as shows, I was an annoying 15 year old kid when I first saw them play at the old Richmond Street AS220 in probably October or November 1992 and saw many more shows at Babyhead, Lupos and the Met. I remember Bert Crenca's wife (AS220 director) saying to me "there's something Irish about them" at that first show...some of the weird things remember!

NameSteve Latham
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MessageIf you ever saw Blair's Carriage live I want to hear your stories. Do you have any pictures you want to share?

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