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NameRichard/Anthony Jacobus/HOOPS
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MessageSIS, loved the pics and the music . . . can't wait to go again this year. . .2009, WHEW, sometimes I feel it just might be my last year I'll be able to attend, SO, THIS YEAR JUST GONNA HAVE TO LIVE IT UP !!!! HHAHAHAH, CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU AND DAVE THERE, LOVE YA BOTH . . YOUR BIG BROTHER. .LOL !EVEN IF I AM 4 YEARS YOUNGER. . smilie

NameHaremi Jeannemarie Watts
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MessageI want to thank you that,even though this was not written specifically for me,I felt in a way it was for me since I lost my son. I'm sorry you lost two members of your family to violence. That can not be any easier. I know I am not alone in my loss.I have met with some awesome parents who have lost their children in various violent ways and hope that I can be as much of a support to them as they have been to me. I now belong to POMC(Parents of Murdered Children)a national organization with a chapter here in San Diego.Unfortunately a little too late.I am not in as much need of their help.Though they do have good speakers from time to time. The last meeting was one.We only meet once a month,the medical examiner came with some good info.I was able to ask some good questions that were bothering me about my son's case that had been bothering me. Some parents who lost long ago are there just to support others who had lost only recently.I think I'm ready to do that now.So I plan to continue to attend for awhile.

NameMarjorie Gardiner
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MessageMy prayers are with the family. Like you said, parents never want their children to die before they do. I am sure the pain never goes away.

NameRalph Williams
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MessageThanks for the updates well done.

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Namemelinda geren
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Messagethanks Vonnie for the web site it is a great story, I don't graduate from Delta tell the end of this year and Elanor is not only my Great Aunt she is also my Godmother not sure if you knew that. I remember many days my Grandma driving here to Stockton, I was just a little girl, I would ask my Grandma for a Hersey candy bar so I can melt it in the window of the back seat before I ate it. And I would try real hard to not fall a sleep even though I fell a sleep every time. The first time I ate lasagna my Nina had cooked it. It became my favorite dish. When my Nina knew we were coming to Stockton she would make lasagna for me. My fondest memories are the whole family getting together at Big Grandma's ( Josehine Villela) house in Riverbank, for christmas my Nina and Nino would always ask me what I wanted, and I would get what I asked for. No matter how long its been since I seen or talked to my Nina and Nino they always ask me to come over for Sunday dinner and include my in their family. I could not ask for any better Godparents. smilie

NameFrancisco Olveda
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MessageThank you Vonnie for such a Great vidieo of Ed whom I have known for 40 years or so. He is definitely at the the Top of his Class. He has been a good friend to me and my family throughout the years. Congrats again on the excellent presentation of him through out his lifetime.


NameJackie Thompson
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MessageClass of 1963

Private Message added 2009-03-27

NameSuzy ( Norick ) Giddens
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MessageWow thanks Vonnie. I even learned a few things about my Dad !!!

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