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MessageCool site smilie

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MessageHow to i to be Ninja?

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Messagei would like to thank mr kosugi for showing us is art for me he is the master i h avent had the chance to practice this art but it s so complete thank s a lot for everything and your family too

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j'ai 31 ans et j'habite a marseille (france)
je voudrais simplement remercier du fond du coeur mr sho kosugi,pour m'avoir fait découvrire et aimé à l'age de 13 ans les arts martiaux a travers ses films de ninja.

Pour moi sho kosugi fut une source d'inspiration et encore aujourdhui il m'aide a me surpasser dans ma pratique martial.

Encore merci et longue vie a sho.

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MessageIt wasn't a Ninja movie if it didn't have Sho in it. I hear hes fixing to do another movie and they are making it now. A 2006 Return of the Ninja. Good job and good luck!

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MessageI'm glad Im not the only one who remembers Sho Kosugi. I grew up on movies he made, I can't wait to see him in a new movie.

When I think of Martial Arts movies I only think one man, the master of them all Sho Kosugie smilie

NameTony Allen
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MessageExcellent website! Definitely one to add to my favorites. I especially enjoyed the biography. Now, I'm a little curious about the boys and how they're doing these days. smilie smilie

NameJoe Weisgerber
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MessageOK Where could i get a adress for fan mail or get an autograph?

SHO WAS KICK ASS IN NINJA 3: The !!!!!! smilie smilie

NameSandy Quintana
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MessageDear Sho,
I have been a big fan of yours since I
was a young Ninja.
You have been an inspiration to me for a great many years.
I am thrilled about your new film.
Best wishes to you and your family.


Private Message added 2005-07-09

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