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Namedanny graham
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Messagei have been a huge fan of sho kosugi ever since i was 8 ever since than i wanted to be a martial artist but my dad would never let me take so when he wasn't aroun me and my baby brother would take what we saw in sho's movies and we would practice them until got them right and it paid off to when we go older and stared actually taking class our sensai was so inpressed with what we could do he put us in advanced class we were the only white belts he would teach higher belt technics to and now i have 2 nephews,1 niece,1 daughter, and 1 son following in our footsteps thanks to sho

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MessageI am a big fan of Sho Kosugi i have not been able to see all of his work.I own REVENGE OF THE NINJA, PRAY FOR DEATH,NINJA III and BLACK EAGLE.I enjoy his movies also my son has seen some of his movies and for the longest time he thought he to was a ninja when he was a little boy.just wanted to thank you for doing good movies and i look forward to any other films comeing out.

Private Message added 2008-06-28

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MessageI am the biggest fan from the 80's All Sho's movies are thr greatest. I really want Ninja 3 Domination on DVD when it comes out to pass on to my children the legacy of the Ninja. smilie

NameDavid Rose
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MessageI loved the Ninja movies of the 80's. Especially the ones with Sho Kosugi in them. Anyone know where I can get a Ninja hand signs poster?

NameHoward E. Colbert, Jr.
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MessageHello, I am a huge fan. I grew up just knowing that one day I would be a ninja just like you. Because of that dream martial arts has helped me so much in my life. I thank you for that. One day I would like to meet you, because I think that you are the greatest. Me and my friends used to play ninja all the time. And we would fight over who got to be you!!!!!!!!! As I got older, and more skilled it became me all the time. Thanks for everything.

Namejack branham
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Messagehello, my name is jack, just wanted to let you know that i have been a fan of all of your movies. even today i still watch your movies, and i'm just as amazed by them as the first time i have seem them. hope you e-mail me back.

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Messagesmilie Kanechewa Sho Kosugi. I am glad to hear that you are coming back to the Big Screen as a Ninja. You were one of my heros growing up and hold a special place in my heart today. Thanks for all the years of ninja movies. You helped me to learn how to find inner peace. sincerely Forrest Keith smilie smilie smilie

Namemaster c bradley
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Messageexellent lovely to pop into site,big fan of sho since i was a child.much respect brother

NameCarlos Blanco
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MessageSho soy admirador suyo.

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