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MessageSho Kosugi, hvala ti sto se vracas na scenu, zahavaljuju ti ninje smilie iz Bosne i Hercegovine, dodji kod nas u Bosnu i Hercegovinu, i donesi tu plemenitu vjestinu sa sobom. Javi se Sho!!!!

Pozdrav! smilie

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MessageArigato Sensei !

MessageSho Kosugi is the king of ninja. he can beat chuck norris any day.i cant wait till ninja assassin comes out

Nametommy berry
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Messagei am excited to hear of the new movie smilie

NameRicky and Rosealynn Newdiger
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MessageWe love Sho Kosugi and are looking forward to the new one .

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MessageThe Web Site is very nice.
I have been a fan Sho since 1982 smilie
and sho movies make me love & practice ninjustu
thank you very much

your sinserly
ninja morocco


Private Message added 2008-09-05

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Messagesmilie I love this site. I have been a fan Sho since I was a young child. It was he, Jackie Chan, and Bruce Lee who started me on my own person journey of martial arts. I am so glad to see a site dedicated to the martial endeavors of this great martial artist, father, and actor!!! smilie

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MessageMaster Sho, It has been such a along time. Im glad to hear of your next movie! Do you have a my space page? I remember your Dojo in the San Gabriel Valley on Vally as a matter of fact! I was just 10 then. your store would allwys impress me. We wounl buy those foam stars. Best memory EVER smilie

NameGerd Kohler
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MessageDear master Sho!
How are you doing! Im feeling good!My name is Gerd Kohler and i come from Neuhütten (Germany) I am a big fan of you! I trainee muay thai, kickboxing and self defense. I have a family a wife and a daughter, they are six years old.
My daughter going in the second class and she like to see your movies too, but she s so young and i told her: You can see the movies later.
She is one of my pupil. She trained hard every day! I m so happy!
I work in the firm pond security service, that is a good job. I work for the army, but i look that i can do another works, because you earn not really enough money! Could you told me what can i do!
I wish you the best

yours Gerd

P.S. Sorry, i know i must practise my english

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