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Namebarb hest
Like you guys we are all in a state of shock concerning your mom's diagnosis and are trying to absorb it all. We know of her strong faith and the song says it all!
Rick and I realize what this does to the transplant plans and will be willing to help in anyway we can.
If you need or want to reach us our home phone is 218 738 6182 or cell 218 841 6913
We are roughly 2 hours away.We can be there on short notice.
Our thoughts and prayers continue for all the Arnolds.
Rick and Barb

NameMichelle (Olson) Nelsen
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHey Deron!

I was up late tonight doing laundry and I saw a news story about a guy who has CF and that brought my thoughts to you. So, I googled you to see if you were online, which brought me to your blog.

Your twins are adorable! I've got four kids and my last two are twins. I'm married and am living in Lincoln, NE. I thank God everyday that I'm able to stay at home with my kids, but I do know one day I'll need to go back to work. But, I'm cherishing the time I have with them while they're little.

You're in my thoughts and prayers.


NameBeth Thorne
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Deron,

I had a single lung transplant 18 years ago this coming January. My kidneys work perfect and I hike, bike and ski. There can be complications, but do not focus on those. I am living my dream and I DID NOT trade one disease for another. I live an almost perfect normal life.

Namebeth mellema
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageDeron -

Something I am impressed with each time you describe the very real physical struggles you experience daily is NOT to take any part of life for granted. Breathing is something that most of us do reflexively with no thought and just assume that it will always be that way. Your sharing prompts prayer in two ways: to pray specifically for you in this area of physical adequacy for the day and to express gratitude to God for the "simple" things in life. You remind me how precious those things are.

I caught up on your blog spot tonight and appreciated both the update on your situation, on Max's cardiac status, and on politics. The video clip by John Piper put things in perspective in a positive way: God is in control; this life is transient; we do not need to despair or fear if we are in Christ.

I am writing more on your blog rather than e-mailing since we are at the cabin and don't have e-mail here. We drove through the rain to St. Cloud today and took in a movie based on a true story from the 1920's regarding a kidnapping.
The title was Changeling - and though it was a heavy story, it said alot about corruption in this world and about the regressive way mental health issues were dealt with at that time. It wasn't a "fun" movie to watch but was very sobering and informative. You might find it interesting when it comes out on video - gives a historical perspective and one more reminder not to take things for granted.

Will be in touch again soon.


NameMary Ryks
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI have the privelege to work with you. You are a testimony of faith throughout the trials that life brings.Your bright smile and off the wall humor brightens our day.

NameHans Larsson
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageDear Deron

As well as my brother Bo, I and my family (in Gothenburg, Sweden) also hope that you will have your transplant soon.

All the best

Hans with family

NameBo Larsson
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageDear Deron

This is your second cousin (our mothers are cousins) Bo in Gothenburg, Sweden, who has found your blog.

I just wanted to say hello, tell you to hang in there and I hope you will get your transplant soon.

All the best

NameBette Nelson
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI am praying for you Darin.

Private Message added 2008-09-09

NameBeth Mellema
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHappy Birthday, Deron! It was a real pleasure for the staff of your church to wish you a good day. We had almost everyone around and able to go. The picture is great - you have an image of one of the groups of people who are praying for you.
Lynn Fuglestad works here, and she reminded me today that her cousin had a double lung transplant five years ago for CF and is doing well. That was an encouraging note. She lives in Massachusetts and was on a list that ended up taking her to Duke.

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