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MessageKeep making BlueTunes!

NameMike Anderson
Locationclick picture for more information

Thanks for the props.

BTW - there is a way to disable the LED's - just go to 'Buttons' and choose a button to perform "Led's On/Off". But you are correct, I will put in an option to just disable them entirely in the next version (I did not even notice that this was not possible - it used to be).

Also - I am working on a version that displays only your favorite media players, however this is going to be a major overhaul so please bear with me - in the mean time, you can right click on your favorite player and choose it to be the default player - that way the next time you load up BlueTunes, it will automatically load the media player also.

-cheers smilie

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageCool App ^^
Could be nice to add a "no led" option and an option to show only favorite players.
Btw can u support image viewers (like fastone ...)

Great work anyway, keep on

NameMike Anderson
Locationclick picture for more information

Sorry, have never seen that error. It you are using a usb bluetooth adapter, maybe try disconnecting it - then reconnect.

If you come up with a solution, please let me know.

-Mike Anderson smilie

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageWorked fine during two days, but now:

"Error: Spedified device is out of range."

I don`t know why, but is not out of range.

Thank you for this program , is great and very easy to use.

NameMike Anderson
Locationclick picture for more information

Sorry, the 15 second skip is currently not configurable. If you can't live without a 5 sec skip , let me know and I can make a special version of BlueTunes for you - really not that much effort on my part.

Mike Anderson smilie

NameAnselm Lingnau
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageThank you for BlueTunes, which is a great program and worked out of the box.

With WinAmp, the "Jump forward/backward" feature jumps by 15 seconds. Is there a way of making it jump by a different amount, e.g., 5 seconds?

NameSuds Mccoy
Locationclick picture for more information
Everything you did works great!!
I love this program and the work you've done here. When I get a little more cash flow I'm sending a donation your way for sure.
Thanks a lot,

MessageThanks for putting this together! I love this app!

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageThanks Mike, Dling now!

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