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NameTroublemaker Boob
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MessageI jusssst wanted to thank you for your latest entry (I jussst LOVE that word!) about our fair-haired golden boy, Chief Kingston...in particular, the mental image of him in his low-cut tanktop.

BOYOHBOYOHBOYOHBOY!!! Stuff me in a pepper and roast me on high, you sweet thang!

Might I suggest, in the interest of me, that he wears a rubber or leather tanktop next time? The grass won't be the only thing taking a mowing, if you know what I mean...

Oops! Looks like my Little Troublemaker is back!


Troublemaker Boob

MessageSmall town, America.

Like Broken Springs, USA.

An address, see, without saying the real name.

Get it? Got it? Good.

NameChoclit chimbly
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageYa wanna lose that comma in y'all title Mr throat.
A satiric view of the news from small town, America.
'small town American' don't need no commas. Didn't they teach you nuthin in dat hick town of yours?


Namea local BSer
Locationclick picture for more information
I'd just like to say that it's not fair to make fun of the public servants of our town. Chief Jim is a devoted and caring man whose generosity is why there are no smelly homeless people around.

Jan Chaddwick is unselfish as well. Just yesterday she let me cut in front of her in the line at Krispy Kreme.

And as for Cathy P and her life saving paper... well the other day I was taking Fido for a walk in the Indian Grove. Lucky for me I had the current Journalistic Error with me to use as a pooper scooper. I shall forever be indebted to them all.

NameTroublemaker Boob
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageJUSSST wanted to thank Cathy Pullonatoeifhehollarslethimgo for her FABBB-ulous explanation as to her rag-mag (it's all the RAVE here in our movement...so many pics of little boys playing sports in those tight little uni's, SOOOO little time...).

I can vouch for her...at our gay pri...I mean, INDEPENDENCE DAY parade, she interviewed BOTH of my nipple rings. Talk about a two-sided interview!!! Put me in handcuffs and call me a lawyer...QUICK!

Oh, look...Mr. Happy's back...TOODLES!

Troublemaker Boob

Ps. I just can't WAAAAAIT for her to interview both of my butt-cheeks next...

NameCathy Pullonatoeifhehollarslethimgo
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageTee hee hee...isn't everything WONDERFUL in Broken Springs (with the sad exception of those gosh-darned sidewalk supervisors)?

I want to set the record straight in regard to my recent conversation with Bonniee Eyechart; I told her that I ALWAYS print both sides of the story when it comes to local issues...for example, when I printed my story about a Fish Pond Areator being stolen, I interviewed the fish in the pond as well as the owner of the areator!

I wish to make it known that this is the whole truth and nothing BUT the truth...when I print a story about our local government and police issues, I ALWAYS print both sides of the story: Chief Kingston's view and Jan Chaddwick's view.

Nobody will ever be able to accuse ME of being biased!

Well, gotta run...time is always short when you're a successful Publisher...I have to interview Daniel Shame AND Chief Kingston so that I can get both sides of the story about the Taser issue...

NameJan Chaddwick
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI would like to thank my fellow police commissioners, Ernie Hildecrust and Rob Bagel, for ramming home the pay raise for Chief Kingston without any discussion whatsoever. Isn't it wonderful how government works when you ARE the government?

No doubt that the Troublemaker Bob's of Onoyoko Township are seething about our double-standard; that is to be expected. We simply can't table EVERYTHING, especially a pay raise for a Chief who lavishes his attentions on the real problems of Broken Springs and Onoyoko Township, as well as his charitable donations to our community's weaker sex.

By the way, I require that you vote the millage increase through; we can never have too much money to leave sitting around on desks. Never you mind about what those naysayers will tell you about fiscal irresponsibility...I have much experience in that field, and I will personally assure you that Chief Kingston and I are kindred spirits when it comes to that subject!

Millage Uber Alles!

Jan Chaddwick

Private Message added 2005-07-14

NameShallow Throat
MessageDear Troublemaker Boob,

I'm glad *someone* got some action out of the Vote Yes people. I gave catcall after catcall to them without so much of a glance my way. Of course, I doubt if they're very interested in befriending someone named Shallow Throat, anyway. Swallow Throat, maybe... but Shallow Throat... nah, they can do better than that for a ten spot down on Territorial. smilie

Btw, I saw one of Broken Springs's finest wink at you. I can't tell you his name but I can tell you that boy oh boy does he have a big nightstick. smilie

You go boy! smilie

NameTroublemaker Boob
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageThanks for posting that ADOR-able snap-snap of me at your Gay Pri...I mean, INDEPENDANCE Day Parade. I was not far behind those manly men of the Vote Yes entry (ooh, I just LOVE that word!) and, let me TELLLL you, I wanted to Vote Yes for ALL of those studly men!!!

Afterwards, I had this unbelievable desire to have Chief Jim read me my Miranda rights as I was exercising the ol' Fifth Amendment...if you know what I mean...(and I think that you DO!)

NOTHING makes me hotter than to see that tight uni wrapped around Mort Aglow's sexy chubby little body, though...Hoo, boy...

Well, well, well...off to Neverland...TOODLES!!!

Troublemaker Boob

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