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NameNo Name
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageSo funny... in such an unfunny town!

Private Message added 2006-11-29

Private Message added 2006-09-26

Locationclick picture for more information
Messageflighty, flighty, flighty...flighty. But she is a good person WHEN you can get her attention...flighty, flighty, flighty...flighty.


NameV. Skrewum & Howe esq.
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageWe're still watching you, funny girl.

Private Message added 2006-04-01

Namething 1
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageYOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!!!! smilie

Nameloyal reader
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHello Throat,

Just wanted to let you know that you're supported in the community. We love your site but we love free speech even more. Keep up the good fight against those who would probably vote for Hitler, if they could.


Names throat
Locationclick picture for more information

>>it has kept me laufghing so much, that people are starting to wonder if I have totaly lost my mind!<<

If you're concerned about having lost your mind, you could always run an ad in NFBS. It would go something like this:

My Mind
Looked everywhere.
Description: mushy, with wrinkles.
Answers to: Doh!
Nearly brand new, never been used.
If found, please return to Godfather.
Huge reward.

>>I would also like to know who these guys from the BS Streight Shooter are and what they are all about? There is only one satire news sorce for Broken Springs!<<

Well we thank you for the compliment, but the BS SS is *another* satire news source for Broken Springs. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so the saying goes.

>>So, in closing, Keep up the good work!!! As long as I am not in the nut house, I will be reading NFBS!!!<<

Is there not internet access in nuthouses?

>>NFBS Forever!!!!<<

And as a token of our gratitude, and because you are winner of our random guestbook prize, you will soon be receiving by mail a Christmas Care Bear thank you letter printed on official department letterhead, for yours to keep.

If you do not receive your prize, please complain at the Broken Springs Post Office.


NameThe Godfather
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageTo Throat and the rest of the "Staff" at NFBS:

For the last six months, you have made it worth my time to get up in the morning, (Mind you this is two o'clock in the afternoon) and log onto the internet and find out what is new in the town of Broken Springs. With characters like Chief Kingston, Mayor Chaddwick, and Supervisor Hildiecrust, it has kept me laufghing so much, that people are starting to wonder if I have totaly lost my mind!

I would also like to know who these guys from the BS Streight Shooter are and what they are all about? There is only one satire news sorce for Broken Springs!

So, in closing, Keep up the good work!!! As long as I am not in the nut house, I will be reading NFBS!!!
NFBS Forever!!!!

The Godfather

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