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I just wanted to thank you for putting together a site where I feel I can come and get accurate information on vaccinations and their risks. I have done research on vaccines for several years and I seem to run into a lot of dead ends and contradictory facts and have had a hard time coming to a conclusion. I now have an 8 month old son that I have not immunized because this huge knot in my gut has prevented me from doing so. After reading Chandlers story the knot has filled my body and I can't imagine ever vaccinating my baby until major changes are made and maybe that won't ever happen. Chandler is such an amazingly beautiful boy and I wish you the best of luck!

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MessageI think your blog is awesome. I wanted to share a link with you that gives daily Bible verses and prayers for parents/friends/families of children with Autism.

www dot children of destiny dot org

My oldest son has Autism...caused by vaccinations. We chose to space our younger son's vaccines out and then stopped at age 3 because we were scared of him developing Autism from the vaccines. We just pray for strength from hour to hour and know that the truth will be made known and justice will be served.

God bless you for your blog of truth.

NameTina Davern
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MessageMy own son Trevor was diagnosed w/ Autism at the age of 2. He was progressing normally until his 18 month vaccines and then our lives changed forever. It's nice to know there's others out there who are going through some of the same things I deal with every day. THANKS for the blog. It's awesome.

NameRomina Williams
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MessageKudos to you guys for taking care of 6 autistic children. I have 1 autistic child and sometimes it seems overwhelming. But through my faith in God I keep on going and I keep doing all that I can to help her and get the help she needs in hopes that one day she will live a "normal" life. Kaitlyn is 6 years old and she was diagnosed at 18 months. It seems like a lifetime we have been dealing with autism. Somebody please find a cure SOON.

Private Message added 2008-01-06

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MessageI am autistic and have been feeling sad because I feel like an outsider in College. I know I am different.

When I read the things you say about your son, it made me feel like it is okay to be different.

I like all the God talk because it reminds me of how special I am--closer to God than others.

This is why I am different!

Namekatie wright
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MessageBeautifully done website for parents! So much great information and suport. Thank you Ginger and Chandler!

NameElizabeth L. Tang, Esq.
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MessageNYS Assembly Programs & Counsel
Associate Committee Counsel
Mental Hygiene, Developmental Disability
Alcohol and Substance Abuse

Private Message added 2007-11-19

NameLynn Sargent
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MessageYour blog is most informative - thank you very much for sharing your adventures!

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