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the one on one session with Orna Ralston

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music on „A Shamans Journey“ ? etc. ...

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NameMargarita Almazán
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Orna!
This is Margarita, the one that didn´t stop talking while holding the talking stick in the hand.
I don´t know if you remember that I received a message (from Ursa!) past year, telling me that I was needed of make my personal space wider. During that past year workshop Idid that by releasing rage, although I didn´t notice till some months later because my life changed so radically, it was like enter in a different dimension.
This year, I could release more, and that was so liberating to me, now I am been conscious of more and more space inside of me, and I feel like growing every day.
My gratitude feeling is still growing as well. Inside me I allready am and have all I can wish. Even is becoming to be easy to carry on with the outside, with that treasure inside of me I feel that everything is posible.
I was going to tell you that I would love to have you next to me to enjoy your smile, but the life is so generous this days to me that allready have shown your image with the best of your smiles.
I am very gratefull to everything and to everybody, but there are people that is helping me so much and I am not going ever to forget them. And you are one of them.
A very strong hug.

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageOne month ago I was at a workshop of you at Mirre.
During that workshop you told me things about myself and my behaviour.
This opened a door in me and gave me a lot of healing. I think I never received so much healing durig the last 15 years I got healings and got therapy in such a short time.

Thank you again for you honesty and love.

Private Message added 29-02-2012

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI enjoyed the cd A shamans journey again and again. I never had mucic in my life I listened to so often.
The healing sounds are good to listen to and I like the music.
Thank you for making this. I think it's special!

Joost smilie smilie

NameTeresa Rodríguez
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageMy dear and amazing Orna!

Big thanks to your workshop in Spain. I open my heart, ears, vision, feet, belly, mouth (hahahaha)... I open my wings of swan and start to dance and heal again.

Can't wait the opportunity to work with you again. No words to explain the blessing that I'd received with your inconditional love.

I love you.

... little tribute to your strong and delicate heart... keep singing and dancing!!!


NameMarga Bernard
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageDear Orna,
I did the clown workshop with you. Tears were allowed and my tears felt comfortable. I learned a lot about myself and with your help and teaching I can start healing myself and comfort the child in me. Thank you and for those who are reading this: do the clownworkshop, just do it and you will feel happier!

NameMelissa Lin
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageThank you Orna for teaching the wonderful Holy Clown workshop. The experience was full of beautiful suprises, discoveries, magic and wisdom. Discovering the child inside, and all those very special moments of connection with the sacred clown inside myself and in others was deeply healing in the most profound of ways. So much beauty, love and power.

NameMargarita Almazán
Locationclick picture for more information
Message¡Hola Orna!
Soy Margarita, la "mujer del paraguas" a quien "pegaste una paliza" en la sierra de las Villas, España.
Menuda bendita paliza que sacó esa horrible ira que llevaba dentro.
Al principio no lo noté tanto, aún sentía miedo e incluso rabia porque durante el taller parecía todo muy fácil y luego, al verme sola, parecía todo lo contrario.
Lloré y pasé dos o tres días muy confundida porque me sentía en un lugar donde era todo nuevo para mí, todo había cambiado, pero enseguida empecé a sentir el cambio, y a darme cuenta de que quien había cambiado era yo. Es algo que sigue acompañándome al cabo del mes y que siento que ha cambiado mi vida.
He de reconocer que jamás habría imaginado que esto pudiera ocurrirme. Este martirio quedó atrás, ahora me siento muy bien con mi vida. No encuentro palabras para expresar lo que está pasando.
Puedo decir que llevo todo este tiempo dando gracias sin parar a todo lo que me rodea. No puedo parar de expresar mi agradecimiento.
Gracias a tu ayuda pude conseguirlo y descansar. Ha sido como liberarme de un infierno que me impedía seguir mi camino y vivir en paz.

Espero que vuelvas pronto a España.

Un abrazo y muchos besos.

NameAlfonso R. Manzanares
Locationclick picture for more information
Message(My best translation: On this july 2011 I’ve been honoured by taking part in a ceremony guided by Orna Ralston in Andalucía (Spain) at the Awankay shamanic center. I can not talk about the profound experience I had thanks to her, because I already have no words to really express what happened there to me, just say thank you to Orna again for her job full of Grace, Intelligence and Unconditional Love. She is certanly a great shaman open to the higher influences of Great Spirit.
I work as a profesional in humanistic psychotherapy, so I can talk about the Orna’s job as a powerfull impulse for human been’s development. In fact to this ceremony came three of my clients that received the call to a higher and deeper work. Shamanic ceremonies offer to people, in a healing or discovering process, a safe and highly energized environmet in which they can do a quantum leap in their processes, a big push, to go forward the barriers that protect their hearts from remembering the harm or lack of love. And in that sense, Orna is a inspired and therapeutic resourcefull artist, perfect to be close to anybody, whatever level are, and able to lovingly help to make the right choice needed in that precise point of development.
I could notice in her, the best skills of rogerian therapists: acceptance, empathy, authenticity; the improvised ability for utilization of people’s talents to give them back already activated as a powerful tool of their own, as ericksonians do; concepts reframing, with a special elegance and sense of humour, to achieve cognitive changes; powerfull body-emotional work, as in bioenegetics; work with roles and Inner Child, as an intuitive Transactional Analysis; regaining and fulfillment of disrupted vital processes, in a Gestalt way; I can’t follow because the list would be excesive for this commentary.
I’ve got the chance to work with different shamans along my own healing-developmental process, so I can tell too that Orna has a huge repertoire of talents available, that seem to come from quite a wide range of shamanic cultures and traditions all over the world. But all this is just a pale reflection of Power and Grace that fill her singing. Paraphrasing one of the ícaros that touch me most:
“Mother Mary walking
all over the world,
everything was healed
with the chants of Lord.”
Danke Orna
Om Sat Chit Ananda
Alfonso R. Manzanares

NameAlfonso R. Manzanares
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageEste mes de julio de 2011 he tenido la gran oportunidad de participar por primera vez en una ceremonia guiada por Orna Ralston en Andalucía (España) en el centro chamánico Awankay. No puedo hablar de la experiencia profunda que alcancé gracias a ella porque todavía no tengo palabras para expresar lo que allí me pasó, sólo agradecer una vez más a Orna por su trabajo lleno de Gracia, Inteligencia y Amor Incondicional. Ciertamente es una gran chamana abierta a las más altas influencias del Espíritu.
Soy profesional de la psicoterapia humanista, así que de lo que sí puedo hablar es del trabajo de Orna como un poderoso impulso para el crecimiento de las personas. De hecho en esta ceremonia participaron tres clientes míos que se sintieron llamados a hacer un trabajo más elevado y profundo. Una ceremonia chamánica ofrece a las personas en proceso de sanación y crecimiento un ambiente protegido y elevado en el que pueden hacer un salto cuántico en sus procesos, un gran empujón, para ir más allá de las barreras que protegen su corazón del recuerdo del daño o la falta de amor. Y Orna es una artista inspirada y llena de recursos terapéuticos idóneos para acercarse a cualquier persona, sea al nivel que sea, y conseguir ayudarla amorosamente a que dé el paso que necesita en ese momento justo de su proceso.
He visto en ella las mejores cualidades de los terapeutas rogerianos: aceptación, empatía, autenticidad; el don de utilizar, improvisando, los talentos de las personas para devolvérselos ya activados como una poderosa herramienta propia, como hacen los ericksonianos; reelaboración de conceptos, con una especial elegancia y sentido del humor, para cambios cognitivos; poderoso trabajo corporal-emocional, propio de la bioenergética; reelaboración de roles y trabajo con el Niño Interior, a modo de un intuitivo Análisis Transaccional; retomar y finalizar procesos vitales interrumpidos, como hace la Gestalt; y no me extiendo más porque la lista sería demasiado larga para este comentario.
En mi propio proceso de curación-crecimiento he tenido la oportunidad de trabajar con bastantes chamanes, así que también puedo decir con conocimiento de causa que Orna tiene a su disposición un enorme repertorio de talentos que parece provenir de las más diversas culturas y tradiciones chamánicas de todo el mundo. Pero todo esto no es nada más que un pálido reflejo del Poder y la Gracia que llenan su canto. Parafraseando un ícaro que me emociona especialmente:
“La Virgen María
por el mundo caminaba
con los cantos del Señor
todo lo curaba.”
Gracias Orna
Om Sat Chit Ananda
Alfonso R. Manzanares

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