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NameManny H. Moe
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MessagePsalms: 116:15: Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.

For Zac: I will see you in Heaven, my friend!!!

For Mark, Peggy, and Family: Please be strong - Zac was a fine man. You should be very proud of him. He had the fire in his heart to serve our Living God.

If there's any thing I can do to help in this time of grief -- I'm always here for you.

I can always be reached at my mobile (919) 389-7903.


NameCindy Huffman
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MessageMy Dearest Friend Peggy,

I am so sorry for your loss. You can be certain, that all the days of his life, Zac felt your unconditional love. He was secure in knowing that you were his advocate, his number one supporter! You were always there for him, through the good and the bad, no matter what. Now that he is with the Lord, your love, devotion, and acceptance are still with him.
I remember that sweet young boy back in elementary school. It was such a privilege to be his fourth grade teacher and watch him grow to become a good man. I know he will be greatly missed.

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our lord.
Romans 8:38-39

Love, Cindy

MessageWhat can be said at a time like this? I have never met anyone like you, Zac. You were like a brother to me and am glad and privileged to have known you. Many days spent working along side you, learning how to throw a proper punch, how to make the ultimate latte and most of all how to give without expectations in return. Coffee Roaster days were my favorites to look back on! I never stopped believing in you and your drive to love each and every person you met.

I have your family in my thoughts and prayers, I have your spirit in mind and will never forget you. I love you brother!!!!


NameBen Weigel
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Messagemy condolences go out to those grieving over this horrific tragedy. Zac is one of the best friends i ever had, and if there's one lesson i learned from him over the course of our friendship it's that no matter what the circumstance or how greatly the odds are stacked against you if you greet your adversaries with compassion and generosity then you will always come out on top, because even in defeat LOVE radiates further then Triumph. WE love you Zac!! you will be missed. namaste.

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MessageWe are single notes in life's harmony, important but brief. It is so hard to get our arms around things like the losss of someone so young, so we have to put our arms around each other and draw strength.

NameAndy Sanchez
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MessageI can not even imagine what you and your wife are going through at this time. All I can say is that my heart and prayers go out to your family at this very sad and trying time.

Remember that one day we will get to see those we have lost once again, as they have gone home to wait for us.

NameKim Milner Bailey
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MessageMy dad called this morning to share this sad news. My love and condolences to all Zac's family and friends past and present.

I will always picture Zac in a Boy Scout uniform branding leather bookmarks or inhaling helium in my garage. I can't see a microwavable soft pretzel without thinking of him and the nights we stayed over when my parents were out of town. He has crossed my mind often over the years.

My deepest sympathies to everyone grieving. You are in my heart and in my prayers.

Love, Kim

NameJane Church
MessageWords cannot even begin to express my sorrow. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Hold tight to the memories for comfort and don't forget you are loved and cared about. LU Jane

NameKathi Ebright
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MessageZac...always smiling,friendly,loving-your extensive knowledge in your conversations!!!!! always being helpfull, your positive attitude, acceptance and a fighter thru the storms. These are all memories that will keep you alive in our hearts. We love you Zak.

NameNicole Bonnet
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MessageI will always love Zac's soul. I will miss him to a degree that can't be explained with words. I will miss him here on earth in this lifetime. I know in my heart that I will see him again. Zac gave me his heart and his love. He showed me generousity, forgiveness, laughter, light, and most of all, he gave me his love. To have experienced his love, and to have loved him is one of my greatest prides. Everything that he did for other people will live on forever, the lives that he touched are endless and timeless. He doesn't want me to cry or be sad, but I can't help being sad sweet boy. I love you Zac, I cherish every moment we spent together, no words will ever explain the love of Zac's soul. He was here for a short visit and in that time, he put in a lot of work to better the world surrounding him. He would give someone the shirt off of his back if they needed it more than he did. All I know is that I still love you Zac, and I forever will. Eternal love, Nicole Bonnet

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