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Nameraymond karl holm
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Messagehi my name is raymond karl holm my dad was lost on uredd p41 1943 is ther eny phots out ther of the cr e w i have one of norge sub war time from usa god bless them all

NamePål Mathisen
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MessageMy father Robert Mathisen served onboard ULA after serving on HMS Glaisdale on the invasion of North Africa en D-day.
I am sorry my dad only told some of his experiences during the war only once to me and my brother. I can only now appreciate the work that was done by these brave men during the horrific war. I can also understand why many sailors had a hard time "opening up" and tell their families what they had been through. I would very much appreciate if anyone has more information on the ULA during the war.
Thanks to you for an informative page.

Nameraymond karl holm
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Messagehi my farther was lost on uredd p41 his name is einer leofred holm of oslo hoping to here from you raymond holm

Nameraymond karl holm
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagehi i am son einar leofred holm who was on uredd p41 feb 1943 god bless them all i was born 1942 blyth northumberland

NamePer Hærum
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MessageLeste med glede din artikkel om bl.annet "Ula" hadde selv gledeen av å tjenestgjøre her 1959-60 under S.Sjef Kjell Thorsen.
Lykke til.

NameDaniel Newcombe
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Messagehad a look around and found my grandfather on the crew list I already new he was on it but nice to see how long he served on it and stuff and thanks for the pictures

NameIvar Eeg-Nielsen. web master
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagesorry to hear that HERMAN EILERSTON has passed away. I was so lucky to meet him and his family at the Submarine Memorial in Dundee 17.sep.2009. Herman Eilertsen served on submarines Ula and Uredd with my father.

Best regards
Ivar Eeg-Nielsen

NameAllan Collins
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI am secretary Scotland North East Branch Submarines Association - the branch in which all the surviors of the 9th who chose to remain in Scotland were members.
The last of them has just "crossed the bar" and his cremation will take place on Friday 26 in Frieckheim Arbroath at 1200hrs
HERMAN EILERSTON served on both Uredd and later ULA- We will give him a real submariners send of with Standards On Parade.
Congratulation on a first class site
Allan Collins - Branch Secretary

NameTorodd Olsen
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageServed as wireless operator feb - sept 1956.

Torodd Olsen

NameSteffen G. Kristiansen
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My uncle Edmund Pettersen "Pete" was member of the wessel "Uredd". Shortly before the last mission he had to leave the boat, together with two other crew members, because they were supposed to train up some new crew members. Edmund lost all his friends on board.

Edmund died some years ago - he lived in Horten in Norway and was member of the war veteran sosiety in Horten. He told the family a lot about the service during 2 WW.
Edmund served in sub marine branch the whole WW.
Two times during WW 2 he saw his child home trough the periskope from the submarine.
Edmund grew up on the small island "Sandsøya" not far from Harstad.

Steffen G Kristiansen

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