Message | Utskreven Kvartermester Fleten, Erling Ragnvald was my uncle by marriage ( Isobel MacDonald) . They were only married a matter of months when Erling was lost , my aunt never re-married . As a child i can rememeber Erlings relations coming to Scotland visting my Aunt in Melness ( Kyle of Tongue). Every year she would go to Norway to visit her inlaws who were more than kind to her, It was a great relief to her when Uredd was located and gave her pease of mind she also attended the service and threw a wreth where Uredd is today . I would like to hear from any of Erlings family members and would love to see some photos of him as there is only one in the family that has been copied many times throughout the years . Also has anyone got Photos of P41 Uredd. Kind Regards Angus |