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NameKari Price
DateJun 29, 2010
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagesmilie Thank you for taking the time to document this cemetery. It was very helpful in finding some illusive relatives.

NameCynthia Rodgers
DateJun 17, 2010
Locationclick picture for more information
Messageohiotombstones.com harmon

Noticed that the website address above spells harman with an o but the gate at the cemetery is with an a in your picture. Can this be referenced under both spellings?

NameCynthia Rodgers
DateJun 17, 2010
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi, We were by the cemetery today and took pictures. How do we add our ancestors to your site ?
Cynthia Pahoundis Rodgers and
Grace Pahoundis Peel
Researching Oren, Harman, Epley and Jones etc.

NameCurtiss Stearns
DateJun 10, 2010
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageLooking for my Ancestors,Jacob Bishop died 1877 believed to be in Putnam County Ohio. Jacab's wife was Rebecca Kitch. Jacob's parents, Joseph Bishop married to Elizabeth Mason Young. Would like to get photos of grave stones.

NameFrancis R. Kern
DateMay 24, 2010
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageIOn behalf of the Miller City Ohio American Legion Post 172 I am trying to make an accurate
record of veterans buried in Kieferville cemetery.
I would like to especially find William Brown, F.J. Stout, and Henry Harkraker. Is there a map of this cemetery?

DateMay 4, 2010
MessageThis is a beautiful and very helpful site. I found a grave that I have wanted to see for a long time. Thank you for doing this.

Private Message added Apr 17, 2010

NameCathy/ Ohio Tombstones
DateApr 12, 2010
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageJames, thank you for all the info and history. Thank you too, and your brothers for serving our Country! We are all eternally grateful.

Are all or some of the family mentioned buried in Putnam County, Ohio? You didn't mention a particular cemetery, if I don't have them listed yet, I will make sure I do soon, and post them to the site!

NameJames R. Clevenger
DateApr 12, 2010
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageMy father Frank Was born in Vaughnsville son of Samuel Clevenger and Cleo Bogaert of Columbus Grove. My brothers Thomas, named after Thomas, I, named after James, Frank Jr,and Dick Dean all being born in Vaughnsville. Brother Tom served in 82nd Airborn Div and was severly wounded in operation Market Garden WW2, I served in 106th Infantry Div Battle of the Bulge ww2 and Frank Jr. served in Korea. I am presently living in Allegan, Michigan with my youngest Son and daughter-in-law at 2210 Abbey Dr. 49010. My health is fair, having undergone six heart bypass and have DIABETES and KHRONS Disease. My Uncle Harry, Aunt Margarete and Catherene since passed away. I have not been back to visit the cemeteryfor quite some time.

NameCathy/ Ohio Tombstones
DateApr 11, 2010
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageJeanne, do you have photo's too? Is the info on the computor...or on paper? The easiest way would be email, but depending on how you have your info stored. Let me know what form it is in and we"ll go from there.
Thank you so much for wanting to share!

You can contact me through this email: [email protected]

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