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NameRudy Estrada
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MessageDanny, I am on a mission to contact you. Love your work (art, stories especially the Croco series!) What talent! You sure have god-given abilities! You have touched a lot of people in a good way! Thank you! As dumb as I am: I see you as a vato de Croco first and a citizen of the world 2nd!!! You sure honor your roots!!!
By the way you sure favor your mother's looks and not your Jefe! I also have a lot of Croco History (good & bad) to share but I do not have the story-telling talent or ability to keep a reader interested and spellbound como tu. I like the idea that you promote the positive side of life!
God Bless you! P.S. I am a beginner in genealogy (family, friends history) and I see you could povide a lot of info to your and my cousins: The Beto & Nena(Tu Tia)Garcia siblings. Beto was my 1st cousin. Enough for now! . . Later, Rudy

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MessageThank you very much for sharing the music sheets. You got a nice collection of music. smilie

Namejupiter bautista
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Messagegracias por tu pagina es muy buena ... encontre mucha musica que necesitaba solo no pude bajar el archivo de la las mejjores baladas donde viene el delfin azul y sueño imposible . gracias

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MessageThan you very much! In this website I found a lot of sheet music that I wasn't able to find anywhere else, such as Raul Di Blasio's book. Thanks! Also visit my site at and tell me what you think.

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MessageYou have an amazing collection! smilie Thanks so much for sharing!


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MessageHola Robert!

Indudablemente, tu página web es la mejor en música latinoamericana para piano, la cual es tan escasa. Te felicito!!!



Nameadolfo andtrade
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Messagesmilie gracias por todos estos aportesssssssssssss
en verdad que eres mi idolo waooooooooo
1000 thanksssssssssss

att: ing. adolfo andrade zavala

viva la musicaaaaaaaaaaaaaa smilie smilie smilie smilie

Nameadolfo andtrade
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagesmilie gracias por todos estos aportesssssssssssss
en verdad que eres mi idolo waooooooooo
1000 thanksssssssssss

att: ing. adolfo andrade zavala

viva la musicaaaaaaaaaaaaaa smilie smilie smilie smilie

NameHarry (Pianohobbyist
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MessageDear Robert,

I´ve read your story "El Intimo".

Yesterday, at night, it was only the beginning, not the whole chapter one, which I read. I´m glad that I did not read further, otherwise I would not have been able to stop reading, like it happened to me now this morning.
Soon after breakfast I started reading.

I like the way you introduced the people of the story to your readers. Your narrating intrigued my interest of the story so strongly that I couldn´t stop reading until I knew the ending.

Although I do not really believe into diabolic possession, it was somehow frightening and I hoped that Arthur could win the battle against the demon(s). Sadly he couldn´t escape the demons.

NameRaaki Garcia-Ulam
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Wonderful photographs, I looked at the one from your European trip, they are wonderful!!

A delight to the eye, thank you, for your talents.

Love ya,


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