WELCOME to our guestbook! We hope that you'll find time to view this site again next time. Please share to others your experience of visiting Kyokan Dojo's website. You may leave a note (comment, suggestion, testimonial, etc.) in this section. Again, thank you and have a nice and Aikido-inspired day. SEE YOU ON OUR MATS!


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NameGeorge Gadayan
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Messageinterested to join your group soon.

NameGeorge Gadayan
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI would like to have a summer class to your club together with my 11 yr.old son.i'll get intouch soon as i arrive home end of this month.

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MessageRegarding the Seminar Fee its only P1000.00 and the seminar sill be held at Cebu Midtown Hotel. I dont know the location but i'm sure we could get a closer place to stay and cheap. If some of you know the place please scat the area so we could find a cheap place.

MessageI would go if I could. You are there, please take advantage of this.

Sacred Heart Aikido Center Cebu (SHACC)
4th anniversary celebration and seminar

The entire Filipino and overseas Aikido community is invited to participate in the 4th anniversary celebration of SHACC. Featured guest instructor is Motohiro Fukakusa Shihan, 7th Dan Aikikai, who is Chairman and Chief Instructor of the Aikido Association Thailand.

FRIDAY (April 30, 2010) Evening Session

Session 1: 6:00pm to 7:30pm
Motohiro Fukakusa Shihan, 7th Dan Aikikai

SATURDAY (May 1, 2010) Morning Sessions

Session 1: 9:00am to 10:00am
Lucio Alejo Sensei, 5th Dan Aikikai

Session 2: 10:05am to 11:05am
Marielle Macapawa Sensei, 5th Dan Aikikai
President, Filipino Federation of Aikido (FFA)

Session 3: 11:10am to 12:10noon
Royce Reyes Sensei, 5th Dan Aikikai
Filipino Federation of Aikido (FFA)

Afternoon and Evening Sessions

Session 4: 1:30pm to 2:30pm
Freddy Khong Sensei, 6th Dan Aikikai
(Aikido Federation Singapore )

Session 5: 3:30pm to 5:00pm
Motohiro Fukakusa Shihan, 7th Dan Aikikai

SUNDAY (May 2, 2010) Morning Session

Session 1: 9:00am to 12:00noon
Motohiro Fukakusa Shihan, 7th Dan Aikikai

Afternoon Sessions

Session 2: 2:00pm to 3:30pm
Motohiro Fukakusa Shihan, 7th Dan Aikikai

Session 3: 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Sacred Heart Aikido Center Cebu (SHACC)
Anniversary Aikido Demonstration

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MessageHi guys! how are you? i miss all the action there, already...i still keep up with the techniques though i'm gradually falling out from accuracy and some of the moves... anyway, it won't be too long before i get back. God bless us all! take care!

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We will be having our xmas party on the 18th Dec. sa balay. Same as last time POTLUCK - time mga 6:30 PM.

Ang wala di

See you ang tanan invited na member old - new


NameKinit d^_^b
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagesmilie Ei, kumusta na kamo tanan?
Start na ta save akg prepare mentally and physically...we're approaching cold season kag may mga upcoming seminars early next year... smilie smilie

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Messagehi to all aikies..
i miss those times in practice.. sensei nonong miss you! thank you thank you gid sa tanan.. hay cant practice longer busy busy na,damu nagid obligasyon.. i just arrived last night.. grabe baha in quezon. visit kuda with riz.. see you all soon guyz smilie

NamePoly A. Catada
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageAm an avid martial arts patron. M here now in Bacolod. I saw your website the other day in mcdo lacson. Am 51 good built and athelethic. Your tuition is reasonable unlike others in fact I have the gi of aikido but did not push in Makati because of the tuition. My phone here is 706 05 76. By the way my wife is an Ilonga and I am from Manila. will visit the dojo asap. God Bless. Ganbatte!

NameRommel Miel
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageNice Site! Hi to Nonong and Stella? sana makapasyal ako sa dojo nyo in bacolod.


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