WELCOME to our guestbook! We hope that you'll find time to view this site again next time. Please share to others your experience of visiting Kyokan Dojo's website. You may leave a note (comment, suggestion, testimonial, etc.) in this section. Again, thank you and have a nice and Aikido-inspired day. SEE YOU ON OUR MATS!


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Drop by anytime at the dojo. The schedule is as posted on the website. You're always welcome!!

Still keeping on O'Sensei's path and hoping our paths cross again!!! Woohoo!!!
Take care, ha. smilie

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MessageHi, Stel/Nong. I hope you guys still remember me. Looking for an excuse/chance to harmonize with Aikidokas on the mat again. Many dojos here in Cebu but can't quite find time.

Maybe...just maybe, i'll get that old feeling again and get back to the path.

Hope you guys are okay. Let's keep in touch.

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MessageHi all. How are you?

Namebingles furiscal
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Messagehi, you have a nice page here.. ive learned somethings about aikido the way you explained it. im from phil. heart center aikido club.. ive been practicing aikido for just a month.. God bless to you there in Bacolod.

MessageAs I read our students' posts on facebook, all of them..I realize how far they have come and how they have grown. I am thankful that they have come into our dojo and stayed on our mats for all this time. I'm thankful they have trusted us with their training, did what they could do and more to be better students.

I am thankful for their steadfastness and openness in training and for sharing their ups and down with us. Couldn't have come to this kind of Kyokan material without you and the students, each one of them very precious.

Too bad I do not have all their email addresses, and so I want you to tell them this. and forward it to them.

I appreciate their training time, their visiting time, their conversation time, their happy happy times and also their sad times. I appreciate their being there for us when Mamang was sick and when she died. I appreciate their being patient for Tom and Ricky, too.

I have just come to realize, ay, dugay na ta gali together tanan in practice, no?

Thank you.

Namekarlo ybesate
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Messageits very very nice to know, that kyokan dojo have a website, at least people from bacolod and over the province is aware that aikido exists in bacolod city... i am also an aikido practitioner under sensei pat prologo club.. thanks..

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MessageTsukurimashou, tsukurimashou,
Sate sate nani ga dekiru ka na.
Hai, dekimashita.

Nemurimashou, nemurimashou,
Sate sate dare ga ichiban ka na.
Hai, Oosaka-san desu ne.


Namedarwin pascua
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Messagenice website...i'm from manila aikido club under sensei omar camar smilie smilie smilie

NameRuel Abion
MessageHello Noel-sensei, Vince, & friends,

Just want to say Hi and thank you for the time in the mat and brief chat moments with you guys during the 5th Anniversary celebration of Sacred Heart Aikido Club Cebu in Cebu Midtown Hotel. I'm glad to have met you there and know about the good works you are doing in proliferating Aikido and its discipline in our beloved hometown, Bacolod. May your members grow in even greater number. God bless.

Best regards,

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MessageHi George
You are welcome to join us give us your email or celfone so we could communicate with you.

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