NameJC and Laura
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MessageHey Jason, We're thinking about you on this rainy Sunday here. It's nice to read up on what you're doing and we are so proud of you. WE WILL BE GOING TO DISNEY WORLD WHEN YOU COME HOME! Thanks for the updates, we enjoy reading them and the videos are great. Owen says hey and we'll see you on the webcam soon. Take care of yourself, Love ya!

NameAlex Topakbashian
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I haven't seen you in a while but I know you have been doing amazing work. Our family's thoughts and prayers are with you for successful mission and a safe return.


Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHey buddy. Glad to hear from you. I'm very proud of you for helping us get this job done over there. Please be safe and I look forward to talking to and seeing you again. You know I'll look after Rachael here if you don't make it back. That means you BETTER make it back because NOBODY wants ME taking care of Rachael, especially Rachael! Good luck and you will be in my family's prayers. Love ya man.

Greg Q.

NameBecky Dannaker
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MessageJason –
I took a minute and read through some of your blog, and I have to say what an inspiration you are. I can’t even begin to imagine what you are going through, but please know that all of us here back home appreciate what you are doing for us. You were always the nicest guy (even though you were from Marple – sorry had to get the Ridley/Marple jab in there) and I hope you make it home safe! It's been some time since Widener and I'm so happy to see that otherwise you are doing so well for yourself!

Namesue jennings
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Messagehi Jason - we are so proud of you (and all of you who are serving your country) and look forward to your safe return as soon as possible. Anything we can do to support Rachael in your absence will be our pleasure - we are proud of her too. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers, Sue, Debbie and Wendy (Brandywine Hall)

NameChelsea Worley
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MessageHi Jas! Just wanted to let ya know all the Worley birds are thinking of you everyday and keeping you in our prayers!
Love you

NameRyan Crocetto
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MessageHey jason. i know you dont know me but ive heard nothing but great things about you from coach pj. i think its great what your doing for our country, fighting for freedom. i play lax for marple just as you did, im a senior. i really appreciate you putting your life on the line for us. Stay safe and i hope to meet you when your return.

NameMike Ervin
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MessageDear Jason,
My name is Mike Ervin and I am a senior at Marple and one of the captains of the lacrosse team. PJ told us about you and your story and I just wanted to thank you for what your doing and let you know were all thankful for your sacrafice. My cousin was a graduate of MN and joined the marines and went through two tours in Iraq. So I really appreciate what your doing. So far in the regular season we are 1-0 and goig strong. Good luck and we will be sure to keep you updated on our season.

Mike Ervin

NameAunt Kim
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MessageHi Jason,
Your mom said you might be home for Easter before being deployed....I think we should re-inact the old Easter Egg Hunt. We'll even let you find the egg with "shit" written on it. I'm sure you could even think of a few better words. Mumsey is still waiting to hear back from George Bush. She's sure he would have called by now if he got her letter. Don't you have any official government envelops you could use to write back and pretend you are the president? We all miss you and love you! I'm still sticking to my guns that you aren't gonna have to go! Talk to you soon.
Aunt Kim

NamePerry Koliatsis
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MessageHey jason, my name is perry and i'm a first year player on the lacrosse team. Coach PJ told us about your unfortunate story and i just wanted to say we thank you for what your doing for our country. The whole team acknowledges what your doing and we look at it as a sign of inspiration to help us get to the playoffs this year. Thank you for what your doing and we'll keep you updated on our season. GO MN LAX

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