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MessageHi Ruth!
I'm from sunny Singapore.
You were in Singapore when you were a child.

My Mom was working as a maid for some British families. Her name's Susie Lau. Don't know if her charges still remember her. It's been ages.

Nice to know you. I love your garden and the blooms.

Regards to your hubby, with my best wishes.

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MessageHello Ruthikins, how the bl**dy hell you doing? smilie Just to say at long last got time to have a blether, and check the Blog thing, great to hear the news. We are a long way off any Daff hatching up here pal, but to be expected.
I am off to Alligin next week, only for a couple ofdays, owing to Bob not wanting to be left with neighbours too long. Have not been there for..... well since then really, so it will be good to lay a few ghosts. Penny, my old mate from whitstabubble has moved up there, and is having a hoose built. Not finished yet, serves em right for employing the Highlands equiverlent to the " Medallion Man" But they are renting a 3 bedroom place until end of Jan, so, I am off for a visit.
Be good to catch up with all the gang up there.
Elizabeth Brown came home yesterday, she had a stroke about 4 months ago, and has been in Kelso Cottage Hospital, ( yes, we do still have them up here,but not many ) Good to have a Brown back in Bundy Land, but is it good for her, I am not sure to be honest.... Time will tell. Any way, in true Bugs Bunny fashion, " Thats All Folks". I am off to open the vino. Take care mate L F

MessageHAPPY NEW YEAR smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie

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MessageThanks for dropping by Ruth. You sure are a whizz at the graphics! I love the Xmas tree.

You inspire me not just to waste more time playing with my blog and make it look good but more with your attitude to life.

Merry Xmas ..its creeping up

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MessageI love this is fun and inspiring
Keep it up and this is my url drop by some time

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MessageI love this is fun and inspiring
Keep it up

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MessageHello Ruthikins, it is daft tart here, had a look at your blog at long last. Well ! who is a little Techno Babe then ?! Glad to se that all those years at Clarendon Hoose did not go to waste.The photo's are great, cannot believe how much everyone has grown..... Always annoyed me when distant bl**dy " Aunties" said that to me, so I will shut up!
I take it you have heard the sad news about my "Big Boy". Will be getting a tree to plant where he is in the back garden. Such an amazing dog, right up to the last. It helps to know that he was so happy where he spent his last few months.
Now getting ready for a "overnighter", so clean Knickers are packed.
Again, it really is so good to see you all, big hug to your Diamond Geezer, and a special one to you. Love F.

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MessageOnce again you have amazed me!!!

You really are an inspiration to the world. smilie

Don't ever stop providing us with all the information, photos and new things you put on your blogs every day.

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You bring the sun out, your love for Mick travels down the net like a warming breeze on a summers eve..

Your site is inspiring, but then your love for each other is too, its been an honour to visit your sacred space.

Will come back again

Lots of universal cyber hugs to both you and Mick also your lovely family

Thank you


NameHelena, Bob T Bear Esq's mum!
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MessageHiya Ruth,
Just dropped by again to say Hi!
And to send a few hugs, with bear hugs attached, of course. smilie

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