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Namelisi family from sicily
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Messageciao Joe?how are you? we are your cousins from sicily..We've seen your site!your're great!when will you come back to visit us?
love from all here.

NameEmily B
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MessageMr. Lisi,

Thanks for the tips. Best of luck to you in your future acting career!

My dad says "Semper Fi"

NameRichard Lisi
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MessageCousin Joe
You are untiring in your efforts to promote the Marine Corp. You are untiring in your efforts to bring a smile to the faces of our injured and returning heroes. You are untiring in your quest to make yourself available for the widows and orphans of the NYPD. You are untiring in your love of Donna.
I am proud to call you my friend, cousin, brother all wrapped up in one generous package.
Rich........who loves ya baby

NameKaren & Paul LaPenna
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MessageHi Joe,

We enjoy seeing you on TV. Congratulations

on your career.

Karen & Paul smilie

Private Message added 2006-10-04

NameTom Walsh
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It was a pleasure meeting you at the 4th Marine Div. Assoc. Reunion.

Hope your upcoming series, "The Company", is a great success. I look forward to its debut.

Semper Fi,

Tom (Memorial Service announcer)

Namerick herring
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Messagejoe- met you @ the 4th Marine Division reunion on 24 aug. and videod the 4th Marine Band and lots of sea stories from you all. I'd love to send you a copy. Thanks for the NYPD/Marines lapel pin!
Semper Fi -Rick

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MessageCapt. Lisi:

I'm a retired Civilian MOS (SR.PAA). I was an original with the class of 2/9/68. I worked in the Detective Bureau for almost 33 years in various loctions throughout the city and my last assignment was the Man.South Criminal Intel. Section (BIT) out of the 7th. I just wanted to let you know I thought 3rd Watch was the best. Even better than NYPD Blue.


NameAlex Bishop
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MessageLove the website. I'm happy for all your success, as you have earned every minute. Thank you for all your service.

Former Marine '89-'95
Semper Fi!

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Messagejust wanted to say that I really appreciate this guy, his Lt. Swersky on Third Watch was def unforgettable, hope the best for this man

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