Welcome To The McConnellsburg Volunteer Fire Company's Guestbook

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Namevictoria tritle
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI think you guys rock and you guys are the best! smilie smilie smilie

Private Message added 2006-05-12

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageJust dropping u a line to say way to go on the site. I use to live in the area and recently moved out of state being able to come to your site and get updates to whats going on in fulton co is great. the new video of the dumpster fire was great and look forward to seeing more on the scene video. stand closer to the fire radio so the chat between dispatch and fire scene command can be heard. while good job. carefull of what u say when taping because it will pick up what ever u say. lol

Namehoward poole
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagelove the website. you guys should add applications to the site so people can jion online. intro was spectacular and having a guestbook is even better. smilie

Namehoward poole
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagelove the website. you guys should add applications to the site smilie

Namelevi harris
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Messagesmilie nice website cody talk to ya in school

NameDavid McConnell
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageNice web site. Great job on the videos.
Stay safe guys.

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageGreat pics of the truck keep up the good work cody smilie

NameJustin Garlock
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageCody the videos were very great Keep on truckin' smilie

Namerandy connelly
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagehey everyone,
iraq isnt that bad but i would give anything to be back with all my friends. im due to come home from here around sept oct time frame at which time i will be taking 30days leave to come home. see ya then. keep in touch.


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