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MessageI blame the ****** *******.... Arf Arf... smilie

Sorry mate - I couldn't help meself.... smilie

NameClimate Observer
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagesmilie Wow, international visitors! I'm impressed!

Also, the blog has just topped the 1000 hit mark today. I'm glad you are all enjoying your visit and thank you to John Ray for his kind plug on his always informative blog - GreenieWatch. Located in my blog list as a link for those that wish to visit.

Thank you Tony from Cashmere for the excellent suggestion - duly added to the blog list. smilie

Remember people, keep on learning and encourage your friends to do the same.

NameArt Svensson
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageJon J Ray recommended your site. Just stopping by to check it out.

Private Message added 22-09-2009

NameTony from Cashmere
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageWell done and close to home. I have bookmarked this site but recommend that you add Solar Cycle 24 to your links. Keep up the good work against the charlatans.

NameTom Gray
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MessageFirst visit. Looks good.

NameBrian Johnson
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MessageLike a breath of fresh air. smilie

NameJennifer Marohasy
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MessageYears ago, when I was a postgraduate at university, one of my supervisors made the analogy between our society and an ant colony. And suggested if we each did our small bit conscientiously 'the colony' would do OK. Congratulations on getting your own blog up and running - on making a contribution. smilie

Nametom of wallan
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageBravo Observer. A wealth of information - a good companion to my recently purchased reading material ( Plimer and the like).

I am currently studying the Goulburn-Murray water storage website records of water holdings across all dams in the region. Bizarre happenings methinks and will make a comment when I've thought about it a bit more.


NameClimate Observer
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagesmilie Thankyou to all of you that have visited my blog and also to those of you that have left such positive feedback in this guestbook.
It is encouraging to know that what I am attempting to show here is being received in such a manner.
So please stay with it, as I still have quite a bit to add on a range of topics and remember bring your friends so they can get an understanding too. smilie

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