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MessageHi Obs. Because I'm such a dummy with new stuff on the computer I wasn't sure what to do on your site so I hope this is coming out right.

I didn't tick the private box because I don't really know what it means. Does it mean that only you see the message?

Perhaps I should have ticked the private box because now everyone will know how little I know; but I don't care because we are all friends here. smilie

NameClimate Observer
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagesmilie Hello all, and thank you again for supporting my blog the way you all have. I am thrilled to see that the Hit Counter has just topped the 4000 mark in such a short space of time. This is well beyond any expectations that I had.

I also wish to thank everyone for their comments left here and for indeed taking up part of your valuable time to both read and comment on what I have written.

I hope you are continuing to find the information informative and enjoyable. Also that you will continue to pass the word so others may learn about what both you and I have uncovered about Climate Change and what we aren't being told.

Namefay of perth
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHullo OBS.
Read your latest thread.
It's disappointing that many of educators have capitulated to the IPPCC.
The IPPCC has whipped up hysteriaover its claim that the planet is under some immediate threat from GW.
Obviously many of morons in charge of our children's educationhave not bothered to do their homework.had they done so they would have realised that the IPCCis a body dedicated to a political agenda --and is a masater of spin.
cheers fay

Private Message added 30-10-2009

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageExcellent site Observer.

Keep up the great work and I'll help spread the word.

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHello Obs! Caught up with you at last! I got the clue from your trail of breadcrumbs on my own, then fay and elsie's comments, that you were leaving some cryptic messages. So here I am. Good detective work on my part.

Now I've stuck my foot in your door (and my mouth of course), I'll have a good look around asap. It's a bit late tonight now though. Have you in my "Favourites".

Finally a chance to catch up privately with my favourite bloggers! What a treat and thank you.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Private Message added 26-10-2009

Namepeter laux aka grumblebum
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagewell done, you are in the minority of those who can think & not base opinion on how they 'feel' about an issue. The Emperor has no clothes & a huge anti-intellectual, anti-scientific throng insist he has.
It is good to see an unholy denier like yourself ask "What is the truth?", all the best, peter

p.s. I dont think this is not about climate, it is about those who seek to control mankind because mankind may disturb their self-centered view of the world, the obvious conclusion is they despise humanity & works but too dishonest to see that it is a projection of loathing of self (i am disturbed, therefore i blame!)

NameJackie Dalrymple.
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Climate Observer. Just looking around! smilie

Private Message added 26-10-2009

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