WELCOME to our guestbook! We hope that you'll find time to view this site again next time. Please share to others your experience of visiting Kyokan Dojo's website. You may leave a note (comment, suggestion, testimonial, etc.) in this section. Again, thank you and have a nice and Aikido-inspired day. SEE YOU ON OUR MATS!


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NameMoriteru Motorola
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageExcellent website. Stella and I are very pleased with this new website from Kyokan. Keep up the good work. Tani ma-video ko ang practice namon diri sa US. Ma-lisensya ko anay sa amon Sensei diri.

Moriteru Motorola

NameMaria Lalyn Escalona
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagesmilie nami sng website!!! smilie smilie

NameKenneth M.
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageCONGRATULATIONS to our beloved Riz(hehehe)for passing the June 2008 Nursing board exams...


Oist Riz, puli di..diri ka celebrate! Nugay panago da sa manila,hehehe.. smilie smilie

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageGreetings sa tanan,

Te ok man ang Website? Si Kenneth nag ubra. Just to let you know that we are now finilizing our jacket so for those who are members and want to have one let us know. Iloilo Docs let us know if you are interested. Its reversible with logo of W4P and Kyokan. Price will depend on the number of pieces ordered. Let me know lang. Thanks

Nonong smilie

Messagewow part nice ah..halong pirmi..ge lng mkatiming gd ko balik sa dojo..halong kamo pirmi..GodBless smilie

NameMalu Javellana
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagehi sensei! haha. (dala nada si sensei Stella).

smilie smilie

Baskog imu website.(whoo!)


Locationclick picture for more information
MessageWow!!! daw kanami sang website ta haw?!!! I miss OUR aikido with YOU there at kyokan.

La-in gid aton training dira believe me.. take advantage of what you have there kay you will appreciate it gid ya when you are practicing someplace else...

San-o ang gallery? wooohooo!!!

smilie smilie

Locationclick picture for more information
Messagesee you soon..i miss the mats and you guys smilie

NameMr. Webmaster
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MessageWelcome to our website!!! I hope you are satisfied with the set-up. Pls visit this site frequently. I'll try my very best to update this site.


Spread the word about the existence of this site. Domo arigato gozaimasu. Have a nice day. smilie

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