WELCOME to our guestbook! We hope that you'll find time to view this site again next time. Please share to others your experience of visiting Kyokan Dojo's website. You may leave a note (comment, suggestion, testimonial, etc.) in this section. Again, thank you and have a nice and Aikido-inspired day. SEE YOU ON OUR MATS!


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Messagewui! musta mga Kyokan! thanks, the wedbsite is finally repaired! miss ko man ang kamo bah! happily, im back on the mat! hehehe =) smilie

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Messagesmilie smilie smilie
hehe.. updated ang websyt.. grabe.. hehe
how can dis be?! haha c u on mats..
sa friday lng ku gru ah...
halongz 2 ol! God bless...

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Messagemwahahahahaha astigggg! ge lng gai lng ko 2 weeks more hampang ta liwat!! hehehe hi lng sa tanan ^_^

NameJohn Lesko
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MessageStella Fuentes

Stella Fuentes started aikido in 1994 in the Philippines and obtained shodan in February 1998, nidan in February 2004 from Hombu, Japan.
Thank you for 'loaning' to our dojo Stella Fuentes (and her husband, Paul) ... On our website we list the following bio for Stella: "She has a dojo in the Philippines, which is presently maintained by her brother. (www.kyokan.tk) since moving here in Woodbridge, Virginia in 2007.
She worked in the field of peace and conflict transformation while in the Philippines, using Aikido as a medium of understanding and instructing basic peace/conflict concepts and strategies.
Currently, she is enjoying the position of homemaker and better half of Paul."
... You must practice good aikido at the Kyokan dojo for I learn something every time I practice with Stella Sensei.
All the best,
John Lesko

NameKyokan aikidokas
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MessageIn behalf of Kyokan dojo..

Bon voyage Alex..We look forward to practicing with you again in the near future!! smilie

NameBenito G. Bailon Jr.
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MessageDear Stella and all Kyokan Aikido members,

Please allow me to congratulate you in having a beautiful website. The presentation reflects Aikido's harmony practice.

I've only heard about your dojo in Bacolod City but have never dropped by during my visits to the city.

Hope in the near future I would be able to visit and practice with you.

Best regards and have a nice day!

Benjie Bailon

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MessageBeen keeping watch over website development!!! woohooo!!!smilie Kenneth, you did an outstanding job!!! I'm so happy you're inspired to do this...
Salamat gid nga dako!!!

Miss you all. Miss daily practice. 3x a week is not enough. Miss our intensity. Daw mabuang ko...ARRRGGGHHHH

Love gid, Stella smilie

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Great website and a job well done, my friend...



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MessageEi guys! musta kamo? i'll be gone for awhile, balik lang ko October. nong neth, decline ko nalang ang order sang jacket. thanks! take care! smilie

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Messagei said it once..im gonna say it again..

KYOKAN ROCKS!..YOU ROCK HARD!..hahahaha... smilie

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