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NameBev Weflen
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MessageDear Deron and Jan,
You and your dear family are in my thoughts and prayers so often throughout each day. I'm trusting the Lord for you each of you, that includes His plan and purposes for all that you are going through even though it is impossible for our human minds to comprehend and understand. I keep going back to a writing that I came across a number of years ago and just feel led to share it with you--maybe I already have-don't remember, but just in case,I have not before now, will share it anyway. It was written by Alan Redpath who I believe was a Christian missionary to Africa. He wrote: "There is nothing-no circumstances, no trouble, and no testing, that can ever touch me until first of all it has gone past God and past Christ right through to me. If it has come that far, it has come with a great purpose which I may not understand at the moment. But as I refuse to become panicky, as I lift my eyes to Him and accept it as coming from the throne of God for some great purpose of blessing to my own heart--no sorrow will ever disarm me, no circumstance will cause me to fret--for I shall rest in the joy of all my Lord is--and that is the rest of victory"!!! May you be once again encouraged by HIM today.
Because of Jesus,

NameMark and Becky Ekeland
MessageDear Arnolds,

We learned the terrible news last night and feel so sad. Deron and Sharon are at the top of my prayer list. I start and end every day praying that God will restore good health to them both. Mark and I will continue to pray for miracles, for strength, for comfort for all of you.

Becky Ekeland

NamePhyllis Kohler
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MessageDear Deron.Jan Sharon and Dawn, I just heard the bad news. I am claiming Isaiah 43: 1,2 for you all. Love and Prayers, Phyllis Kohler

NameDonna Ritter
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MessageSo sorry to hear about your mom's report today. Thinking about you all - and praying for comfort and strength for you.

NameArlene Hanson
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MessageDeasr Deron and Jan,
You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers as we go through the day and when we wake up during the night, also.
Psalm 27:13 says "I would have dispaired unless I had believed that I would see the GOODNESS of the Lord in ythe land of the living."
We commot each one of you to our Heavenly Father.
Wallace and Arlene

NameJustin and Ashley
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MessageHey guys we have been trying to find you so we can keep updated. Sounds like things are going the best they can; God has amazing talent and he will guide you, Deron, and your family. Hang in there and we hope to see you back home!

Your neighbors;
Justin, Ashley, Ethan, and little one Lucas.

NameKris Johnson
MessageDeron--I want to let you know that I shared a part of your blog with a coworker whose 3 children have been diagnosed with a very difficult, often degenerative disease. She has been overwhelmed with worry for them and how they will get through their lives with such a difficult disease. I gave her the blog entry in which you describe thanking God for the gift of CF. She found your words so inspiring and hopeful, and she reads what you wrote several times a day. I know that every day is a painful struggle for you, so I just wanted you to know that your words have made a huge difference in someone's life. Keep fighting the good fight. I know you will get there! Kris Johnson

NameDebt Settlement Help
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MessageGreat headline. If your cookie has a bite-sized action and your reader completes the action, I think two things happen. Their self-confidence goes up (which feels good) and their trust in you increases.

NameVigrx Plus
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MessageParticular utilitarian dispatch but there are some place where I wish not agree. But overall its pure good.

NameDebt Settlement
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MessageSorry for my bad english. Intresting title. It attracted me to read the complete post. Thanks

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