The Millin Four-em Guestbook

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Namesid the kid
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Messagehey have alot of fun this year!


Sidne crosby

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Messagehi! I cant wait till we can finally skate on the rink! i hope that we get to use ot alot and have lots of people over. smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie

NameRick Helean
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageScott & Deb,

Just in case you lost it the phone# is 813-777-3887 and the email is [email protected]. Assuming I haven't made the don't answer list, let me hear from you.

Rick Helean

Private Message added 2008-09-28

NameRick H in Tampa
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageScott and Deb,

Give us a shout. You know the number and the email address.

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHey, Scott. I have been checking almost regularly for entries and was happy to see a dearth of them. To me that indicated you were quite busy with my daughter and grandchildren, and THAT is a good thing. Summer is a time to attemp to enjoy life, and you have earned that right, my son.

NamePatty Amirault
MessageSo that WAS you I saw at the little league fields on rte 110 in Chelmsford last Saturday!! I was watching my nephew's game (he's on the Red Sox 10-12 yr old team) standing by the food stand when I saw you but could not place you....I saw Danny and still was scratching my head. We were in a hurry to get to Robert's field so see my other nephew play; I figured it out on the ride over there. I hope all is well with everyone. The site is great and the kids are beautiful (no surprise) and oh my, so grown up. Take care and all the best to Debbie. Patty

Namethe Giggly frog
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Messagehi mr. millin smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie

NameJerry Roche
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageThanks for the Four-em invite - love the dedication & passion Scott. Abbey starts her skating lessons this Saturday. Enjoy the good skating weather. Go Pats!

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