NameLaura Roselli
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHey Jason,

Thanks for sending me your blog. It's great to see what you are doing and will be doing, so I will def keep reading. I hope all is well with you and Rachel. You both will stay in my thoughts and prayers.

NamePatti Herrin
Locationclick picture for more information
I feel that I know you through our daughter, Marissa (Pelky) Mitchell, and so I enjoyed your blog. Take good care of yourself and remember that all the parents and spouses are praying daily for their children's safe return home to their loved ones. Stay safe and God's blessings on all of you.

Patti Herrin

NameMichael Paul
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHey Kid!! I will definitely keep reading good luck with everything over there and give 'em hell. When you get back we can swap war stories you with Iraq and Afghanistan, me with BD. Talk later.

NameTeri DeCecco
MessagePrinted it out for Mumsey. Still haven't read it yet. I will, I promise! Love you, MOM

NameMike Holloway
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHello Jason,

I just want to let you know how much I admire your stength and courage. Brett and I wish you a safe and speedy deployment. You will be in our thoughts and prayers while you are away from home. Thank you so much for all you do.


NamePaula Hogan
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Jason, My daughter Mary Beth played lax with Rachel at Princeton. We loved Rachel and her parents. Met you once or twice, briefly. MB sent me your blog. Good luck and we will be praying for you. Thanks so much for being so brave and defending our country and keeping us all safe.
Paula and John Hogan

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHey Jay, I am a friend of Chelsea's and she sent me your blog spot page in work. I just wanted to personally say thank you for all the things you guys are doing to keep us safe back here, I sure you don't hear that enough, so once again thanks. Take care of yourself over there and i'll keep ya in my prayers.

In the words of Ron Burgandy, stay classy

NameLaura Clevenger
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHey neighbor, This made me cry and smile! You are such a great writer and I think it's helpful to blog your thoughts and keep in touch during this "involuntary vacation" of yours. We'll help take good care of Rachael and the Chesterman. Stay strong.

Namejerry schwarz
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagehey jason, transplanted pennsylvania friends in arizona are thinking of you and praying for you. be strong!

NameJoelle Rakoski
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagehi jas...i just read your blog and im crying like everyone are in our prayers and we love you!
joelle, michael, kurt, and sophie

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