NameKate Ray
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHello, Jason. My friend, Marissa Mitchell, directed me to your blog. Nice to meet you. I wish you the best of luck with your unexpected vacation. It could be worse. You could be on vacation without Marissasmilie We miss her very much. She calls me....

Miss Kitty

NameAunt Cathy & Uncle Jeff
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageDear Jason,
Thank you for keeping us posted...we miss you and are sending good thoughts your way every single day. When you wrote about showering with the cockroach, it sparked an old shore memory. Only then you were showering with lobsters. Bet you didn't realize your Mom was helping you out with army training. Take good care of yourself. We love you,
Cathy and Jeff

NameA. Julie
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageYou are always on our minds. For a little while, I thought I would see you over there - almost was assigned as a BCT JA at Riley, with a 15 month deployment to Iraq starting in April 08. Guess they decided they needed someone younger since they are sending me to Belvoir instead! About as far from an Iraq-bound BCT as you can get. I can only guess at what you are going through, but you are making us proud with your positive attitdue. Your writing is great! You should be a lawyer! ha ha!

NameU. Paul and A. Jackie, Nate, Abi
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageThinking about you

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MessageBouna Fortuna!!!!

NameU Dave D.
Locationclick picture for more information
Just received this link and thanks for your thoughtful insight on your 'involuntary' vacation. You become a sum of your experiences in life so we hope while this was not in your plan that good things come out of it. Hang in there, and let us know if there is anything you need!


NameWilliam John
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Jason,
Alessandro Rosa shared this blog with me and I'm grateful to him for having done that. You show a lot of courage in your writing. It's a terrible thing that you are going through ... I can't even fathom how it must have felt to get that letter. You'll be back with Rachael soon enough. You have a lot of people thinking of you.


NameSandro Rosa
Locationclick picture for more information

That is some pretty honest stuff that you have been writing. It is like a bad dream.

I wish I knew what to say. I wish that somehow more people reading this would stop the craziness. It was so sad to read the early posts. You and Rachael are such special people, you deserve to be together.

I continue to have this feeling that I wish that there was something that I could do to get this overturned, but the feeling of helplessness of not being able to do anything for you is pretty overpowering.

You have always been tough, just make sure that you are smart as well. You are going to need it more this time than last as you have had a taste of a different life. This wasn't as inevitable as it was after college and your tour in Afganistan. It will be easier to loose your focus this time, so be on guard. Keep your mind focused on the tasks at hand, remain alert and watch your back. It is when you let your guard down that you can take one on the chin, so stay vigilent. Lead well, stay safe, and get home to Rachael as fast as you can.

We love you and we will count the days, hours and minutes until you can return to your civilian life.


NameChuck Brooks
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageJason - Thanks so much for sending me info about your blog. I was sure I had missed my chance to catch up with you before you left for Iraq. I can't exactly explain how awesome and transparent you write, but it seems like I'm right there with you in living color. Thank you for the experience. Our prayers go out to you and your family. If there is ever a need, let me know, we'll find a way!

Much love and respect,

NameCatherine Kelly
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHope you don't mind making a few new friends. I am very grateful that Sue Heether sent me the link. You have already expanded our little world by opening up yours. I hope you know you will be taking a small community with you when you go. May all of our prayers and thoughts keep you and all those who serve safe from harm. I look forward to meeting you face to face on the sidelines at one of Rachel's games.

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