Tasha's Guest Book

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MessageThanks for posting a message Tricia. I'd been checking for an update and was pleased to hear all has gone well. Please let Tasha know she is never far from my thoughts and I'm praying her recovery will go well. One more hurdle done! Take care. Lori

NameHolly Gustafson
MessageTasha, every night we pray for you - tonight we will dedicate our Hail Mary for a successful surgery and recovery.

The Gustafsons: Holly, James, Eddie, Emilia, Lui & Elisabet Tricia

NameJim & Donna Simpson
Locationclick picture for more information

You are right. We never know the turns and twists that may be in front of us but you also know how to live well each day. To live well with yourself, with those you love and with your community. We will be holding you, Ryan and Talyn softly and securely in our thoughts and prayers.
Take care,
Jim & Donna

NameMarie Antonini
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Tasha
Just want you to know that I am sending poitive thoughts and my prayers to you - even more the next few days. You are a very strong person and I know this because last summer I leaned on you alot and will never forget the strength you gave me. You have faced this challenge with such courage that tomorrow will be yet another hurdle that you will overcome on your recovery path.
Lots of love,

NameBarb Weisgerber
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Tasha!

You don't know me, but I'm Tricia Antonini's cousin. I keep up with Tricia via her blog, and consequently, I've met you and learned about your journey with breast cancer. I visit your blog often and think of you and you family. You are doing so well!!! smilie

Tricia mentioned on her blog that you are heading in for surgery tomorrow and I just want to send you some good vibes for the big day. Even though we don't know each other, my family is thinking of you and praying for you.

All the best to wake up feeling good from surgery tomorrow!

Barb Weisgerber (Tricia's cousin)

NameHeather Worts
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageTasha - good luck with your surgery tomorrow. I will be sending you positive energy all day! Will look forward to hearing how you are doing post-op. Love ya, Heather

NamePam & Geoff RIngrose
MessageHey Tasha... looking great! Think about you guys lots... stay strong and hope to see you soon!

NameDenise Sinkevicius
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MessageTasha - this blog continues to be such a major gift to the people in your life...i feel much more connected to you because i get to have updates and not feel like i'm bugging you - cause hi - you have so much to deal with and rehashing it to everyone you know - probably not the best time you ever had...

we are holding the vision that "the plan" comes together in the way that you need to move forward...and we're powerful smilie

so much love,
Denise and Julius

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MessageOkay blog girl, now I have to change up my colours! THanks for adding me to your bloodcount day...and looking forward to your last chemo tomorrow.

NameBob Barker
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MessageDear Tasha,
I was reading my niece's (Tricia Antonini) blog this morning and thought I might just introduce myself to her pal. I am filled with admiration for your courage. I have also had some adventures with the medical enterprise in Canada and am awed by your response to the challenges you face.
I will continue to check in on you now and again, OK?

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