Tasha's Guest Book

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MessageWell you know how I feel about this latest development Tash but I won't taint your blog with all those swear words! smilie I am ready to fight with you though, as we've done together in the past...and then continue to enjoy our friendship doing silly things (like Singstar). Has, is and will be a pleasure to have you as a most amazing friend. smilie

But really, the new blog was too much pressure on me to update and post! smilie Why couldn't you just allow me to be lazy!

NameSara Graling
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MessageTasha – You have always been the trailblazer from our support group. I have always found strength in you. From the moment I met you – already bald, glowing and so positive. From your dedication to staying informed about the treatment process, knowing the medical lingo etc, to your determination to keep working through treatment you have been such a positive inspiration. We have had discussions about one (or more) of us having to face recurrence. I was stunned to hear your are facing this again SO soon. After hearing your news I spent a fair bit of time mad at the universe. I am now accepting that these things will never make sense to me. I have seen your strength over the past year and there is no doubt in my mind that you will soldier through this. Remember that those around you want to help you so let them come cook your dinners, clean your house etc! I am here for anything you need. Thank you for sharing your blog with me. Great idea to keep the masses informed.

Talk to you soon.

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MessageHi Tasha,

I will be thinking of you and your family alot over the next 2 weeks, hoping that you get the answers you are looking for so you can move ahead and fight this!

Stay positive and I will be checking your blog for updates... or I can bug Chad - I like bugging Chad, in fact - our whole office likes bugging your brother smilie


Sonia (Tricia's cousin)

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MessageThinking of you...

- Jill xo

NameTracey Contrada
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Please know that you and Ryan and Talyn are always in my prayers. You have been amazing with support for me this year, do not hesitate to let me return that back.
With love,

NameLana Gojmerac
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MessageI just replied to your email.

My thoughts are with you! Stay strong!!!


NameKen & Marjory Edwards
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MessageTasha & Ryan:
The main thing for you both is not to give up
fighting - together you have the strength to
help each other over the bump in the road you
are faced with!
We know life can be difficult but we can't
admit it to each other!
Best regards,
Marjory & Ken

Namekristyn hall
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Messageyou are a truly brave person Tasha. With courage and grace, you are fighting this battle - thank you for sharing your journey and for each of us to be "allowed" to cheer you on.

NameAmy Kramer
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MessageHi Tasha, you don't know me but I am a close friend of Lori Iervella's and so I have heard a lot about you over this past year. Cause even before you got sick, Lori talked about her great boss Tasha at Longview. I was so excited for her to start at the company cause being in IT myself, I know that Longview has a great reputation. Anyhow, I have looked through your blog over the months and have definitely included you in my prayers and am so very happy that you are "cancer-free" and I hope that you remain that way for the remainder of your long and wonderful life! I have a 2 year old son at home as well and just do not know how you did IT!! AMAZING, BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO to you and to your very supportive family! I know that I have some days where I want to scream and get 'away' from it all when the kids act up but then I think of you....really, I have...and then I thank my blessings and move on with my wonderful, healthy day. Thank you for your inspiration Tasha. I wish you and your family all the very, very best ahead. And I hope and pray for your best friend as well...take care and God speed.

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MessageHi Tasha!!

That is great news, Tricia also posted that on her blog as well!! That is a nice picture of you guys 'toasting life'....

I think I will go and eat a piece of chocolate cake now! or better yet cookies....hey chad - where are those wonderful cookies that you promised to bring to the office?? that was a year ago already...



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