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Messagenice site, keep up the good work smilie

NameJulie C
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MessageStopping in to check out your blog - only makes me think the man in person will be very interesting to meet one day. I have to stop reading or will not get anything done! These icons are so cool I have to use at least one ... smilie


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Message<u> howdy!</u>

NameBrian "BUZZ" Smith
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MessageI have not seen any advertising for the spring gathering of the tribes- don't you usually post a flier?

NameEd Cavanaugh
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MessageHello Mushtaq. Thanks again for coming to SF and sharing your knowledge and insight. I truly enjoyed meeting and training with you!
Been working on connecting to and integrating my non-dominant side in training. I especially enjoyed the intuition work.
Lookin forward to next time...

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MessageI realy like your site and I agree with alot of your views and opinion's I am also interested in learning survival tacticts and I'm realy glad to see that there is a martial science out there that is not so caught up in form and routine that it boxes it's self in to relying on one way of doing things. I am no trained Martial artist but I do anylize and study many different forms and have found piper system most interesting and if given the oppertunity would very much like to take it up with the right preperation of course. smilie

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MessageI realy like your site and I agree with alot of your views and opinion's I am also interested in learning survival tacticts and I'm realy glad to see that there is a martial science out there that is not so caught up in form and routine that it boxes it's self in to relying on one way of doing things. I am no trained up Martial artist but I do anylize and study many different forms and have found piper system most interesting and if given the oppertunity would very much like to take it up with the right preperation of course. smilie

Private Message added 2007-03-15

Nameserge gerlach
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MessageHello Mushtaq, I enjoyed and and thankful for your seminar and very much enjoyed meeting you as well. The dovetailing of our interests and the knowledge you transmitted is very valuable to me.

I'm sad I missed day 2, but I hope to find a day soon where I can learn a whole martial art in a day!

I look forward to "stealing" as much as I can from you in the near future. My 2 year old and I were praticing the Spanish style foot work. What school of fencing was that?

kindly yours,

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