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MessageThank you infeminge smilie I will add the flag of Venezuela to the website as soon as I am off this Saturday. smilie

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageIt is in reality mostly extremely difficult to observe well-aware person on this place, but you run into as as you fully understand the things you're speaking about! All the best

MessageThank you Galad-in-elin :D

Sorry it took so long to see this. I don't know what's wrong with the guestbook; I just need to re-code it or something and haven't the time. I don't check it very often anymore. People have lost interest.

Thanks so much for your offer to help. I have to say I probably will not renew the website again. It doesn't really get much traffic and the stories are other places, too. Sometimes it is hard for me to look at it now. So many years and nothing to show for it.

Thanks again smilie

MessageI wasn't sure if you got my message here because it didn't appear for quite a long time. Now I see your response and seeing the notice gone, I assume that Tawarwaith is safe, for now at least. So glad! smilie

If you need donations to keep the page going, please ask!

MessageGalad-in-elin! Oh I did not see your message until today! I am sorry it took so long to find it, the guestbook doesn't send notices anymore and i don't check it much since there are seldom any messages on it nowadays.

I want to thank you for this kind and loving note on the website. I am trying to keep it going but have to wait another week fr some funds to come through that i can use to pay fro another year. If it goes I will miss it, too, because of all the wonderful friends who came and left me encouragement and feedback over the years. So happy you felt this was a good place to come to and I'll try to keep it going smilie My thanks again fro such a warm tribute smilie

Private Message added 2015-03-03

Locationclick picture for more information
Your Favourite StoryAearlinn, my first love
Requests?Dear Valar, please keep this place safe.
How did you find me?Shadowess a few years ago and now again
MessageI grew to love Tawarwaith dearly. Archives are all right but impersonal. Nothing rivals author's own site and I liked yours immensely. I ran away to your amazing stories when I had a bad day, I viewed gallery over and over again until I stumbled upon Nestaron, I checked out recommended links. I felt at home.
Everywhere I could see your caring touch - in the backgrounds, details and ornaments you chose for your stories; in the unique collection of flags; in the welcoming banner.
You also provided a nice, user-friendly chat and kept in contact with your readers like no other.
I will be so upset if this site disappears that I have no words to express it.

Tawarwaith became in some sense my home and I would like to take part in saving it now when it is in trouble. Can I donate, perhaps? Help you another way?

Whatever happens, I will support you and I am glad you will still be active and writing, here or anywhere else.

I believe it is all right to miss the place where the memories are fresh, though, so I just wanted to leave my trace here as long as I have a chance to do so.

Hugs and kisses,

MessageIsa smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie smilie

So good to hear from you again and to know I am not forgotten. I have never forgotten you either and think of you and your son so far away and hoping all is well. Truly, the finest people I have ever met are through these little stories. YEs, I will send you an email or two smilie and you can send one back; we will catch up.

No guilty conscience allowed and no worries about when or if you read the stories or any of that smilie Nestaron is still hard for me to look at, sad to say. What are you reading now? Nestaron or something else? Whatever it is I will try to update it for you for old time's sake smilie

Hope the end of Feud is not disappointing and thank you for the kind words you already gave me, and the compliments are so uplifting! I am hugging you from across the oceans.

Our young sons are not so young anymore; my last just graduated college and your son must be about grown up too. How fast time goes!

Thank you for reaching out and letting me know you remember smilie

Love and Hugs to you, too!

Locationclick picture for more information
Your Favourite StoryStill all of them, the finished and the unfinished
Requests?All granted with you still being here and writing
How did you find me?Can't remember anymore it's ages ago
MessageNo I didn't fall off the face or the earth, and thank god you didn't either. I am very sorry for not checking in for such a long time, dear. I have a guilty conscience because of that, and partly it's the reason why I stayed away for so long. But, thank the Valar there is always a but, I am reading more again lately, and searching for anything good on my e-book I stumbled into your Nestaron a Maethor because it was stored on my cell phone too. Good for reading on my way to and from work smilie
Oh, my, Ellen smilie , how could I let you get forgotten, and then I was already here, checking out your site. First, the story I am reading right now isn't finished, not bad, because you are still writing, second, FEUD is, dance of joy. Copying the last chapters uploaded to my Kindle, and thirdly, wow, you did some pretty changes to your site. so nice. smilie
And at last, I came here, to write to you, my all-time LOTR fandom extra favorite writer.
I really hope you are well and doing even better, abuse my e-mail address if you like and you are in the mood. I still have our long time ago exchange stored away safely. Ignore me if it fits you better.
I peeked into the last chapters and your writing is as awesome as ever, I am glad you are still doing it.
OK, done with my rambling.
Be well, love you always, all my best from beyond the sea.
Love and hugs

MessageHi Sam Banta smilie

Thank you for such glowing praises, you make me blush :D and I am so happy you enjoyed Resist. That sequel may be a while to come to life smilie I am sorry about that but I just don't know when it will be. As fr Aearlinn, definitely will be sooner than the sequel! Makes me smile that you 'tried it and liked it' lol. It is a fun story and there is now the chance for the two to be happy and enjoy themselves.

I have been so slow lately to write anything. Just so bogged down and kind of got worn out, so tried something very different with O Sorrow, trying to shake myself loose I guess. I hope to get more things caught up. Thank you again so much for giving me such wonderful feedback :D

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