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Messagei love this site, very visually appealing.
saw your diary and anger, hatred, and spite are normal things of life, you should not wish them to be gone from life as if you have no emotion, are you really living? I have gone through (and probably still am) and apathetic part of my life and as much as i hate it, i can never be bothered to change it. Please try and find meaning in everything, idk if this works or makes sense but within everything there is meaning and just looking inward, reflecting, meditating can help you fill yourself and actualize love for everything, good and bad. Since you like persona i would also suggest to study/research about Carl Jung, very interesting stuff. Everything about persona is based off of his beliefs and theories/visions. hope all goes well with you smilie

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MessageYour diary entry on the 14th of October.
It's not surprising you have an intense sense of meaninglessness if you have a parental figure who seems to be, essentially, insulting you and saying "ugh why can't you just enjoy the bright side." The way you were writing implies you felt there was something wrong with you. I don't think it's your fault.
P.S. this is one of the prettiest sites i've seen, good job. if you can make it look good like this, you probably have some interesting things to say

MessageI hope you're doing ok today.
Hugs from an Internet stranger (not much but all I've got). Keep waking up everyday.

Private Message added 10-21-2024

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Messageholy moly... this is so peak... smilie

MessageFound you through NavLink ads. Your site has such a strong visual style!

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MessageThis is a very good website. I like this website. Also awesome taste in music! smilie

MessageThis website is so cool, I really want to have a similar layout on my page at somepoint but yeah, this is awesome

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MessageOmg your website is super silly!! great job keep up the amazing work, I love seeing silly little sites like this while browsing :3 smilie

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MessageI love your site — it looks amazing and it’s so enjoyable to be here! <3 I’m thinking of making a neocities of my own.

And even if it’s not neocities specifically, a personal website of some kind. I miss the internet being like this and hope neocities and other wonderful parts of the old internet come back <3

It seems they already are you be honest! And I’m very happy about that <3 Have a great day! smilie

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