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Nameangel of controlcoreangel fame

Namefinlay (marsbotz)
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagehaii!! it was super nice to chat to u on vrc today! i realised ive actually seen this site (and possibly the mk one..!) before when browsing neocities so thats a super fun coincidence! stay cool B]

Name💕 Devastatia 💕
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageSince you know about the nonna reporting federie, I feel that you must be a nonna. If so, it's nice to finally meet one at last! If you ask me, Neocities perpetuates the social media numbers game mentality by having social features in the first place.

MessageI wanted to thank you for responding to my previous message. Truth is, I was on r/waifuism for a while. A week or two before I started to be harassed (basically targeted) on there I was contemplating leaving as the community is not as serious as I thought it was. For people with less popular versions of rather popular fictional characters they love dearly, it is a depressing place to be. It was infuriating.
I think they stopped accepting me when I said I love the original character more than the version of this man everyone knows. Or maybe it was because I began to feel the community was not truly accepting, even if I did "fit their rules." I am at least glad I barely spent any time there before seeing their true colors. It's insane.
Again. Thank you.

Messagethanks for the list of useful browser extensions, angel sent me your way o7

Locationclick picture for more information
Messagehey, Macaque! i traveled all the way from Spacehey to here, because i read your essay on Spacehey's issue of TikTok-esque culture getting in the way of the original intentions, and i thought it was really well-written, apt; i actually wrote something similar tonight myself. i think you're really cool, i just wanted to let you know that!

benny / whalefall on Spacehey, 5/22/24

Private Message added 2024-05-10

MessageI am here again.

wanted to say your stuff about fictionkin has really helped me. safe to say I'm a split fictionkin!

Messagehiya! i found yours and verdant's sites by chance and absolutely love what you've both got going on! it's so cute <3

MessageHi Azure! I just wanted to say I love you so much. You are everything to me and my entire world. You are amazing! You're my moon, my bunny, and so much more!