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NameGarrett & Simo
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHey guys! Congratulations on getting married, Simone and I are literally choking back tears of joy right now over coffee more than 3 weeks after we attended your wedding!!!! May your love never die, smilie smilie and the babies flow from thy loins like a raging Rocky Mountain river in the spring


Simone & Gary

NameRobert and Patti Alexander
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageCongratulations on your wedding today! We are so thankful we could join you via the live stream. We look forward to what this next chapter brings for you both. With much love, dad and Patti

Messagecongrats ry + linds <3 !

NameMada and Jesse
Message<3 Congrats!!! <3 You both looked beautiful and it was so nice to witness your loving words and commitment to each other. Happy and exited for you, sending you all of the love and light.

Miss you!


Locationclick picture for more information
MessageCongrats to the glowing bride smilie and the handsome groom smilie Wishing you all the best!!!

xoxo Jan smilie

NameRobert George
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageCongratulations and best wishes on your nuptials!!

Namechris rudanec
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagesmilie wow congrats!!!!!!!