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NameMaurie Forbes
Date29 May 2013
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageMy wendish connection was a passenger aboard the godeffroy arriving in Adelaide australia on 11.2.1849 German wendish immigrants to port Philip the 1849 ships his name was Carl rokesky he traveled to Hamilton vic and started a drapery and fancy goods store later turning to farming I have been watching wendish folk singers on u tube I love the culture and the costumes they wear as a boy I remember my grandmother wearing her hair as they do i will go to lusatia one day and see if I can trace his history there the rokeskys are my mothers side of our family and still farm in the western district of Victoria today

NameKay Von Dran
Date16 May 2013
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MessageMy father always claimed his father's family was German and is mother's family was Czech. However, when we lived in Germany, the local Germans did not think that our name (von Dran) was German. Of course there could be several reasons for this 1. wrong pronunciation 2.wrong spelling 3. name changed when family immigrated to US in the 1840's etc. I have done some ancestry research and I can trace my father's family back to the area in Germany where the Wends or Sorbs originated. Interesting site and I will be doing more research.

NameWendy Meigs
Date3 May 2013
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageGreat site! My grandmother spoke fluent Wendish in Warda, Texas near Giddings.

Date6 April 2013
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MessageHello, I am Clemens and I am a real sorb and speak Upper Sorbian. And my parents too. I read a book about the Sorbs in Texas and then I came across detours on this great website. I had to smile sometimes when you watch but I really like this idea! Keep it up! smilie

NameR J Hanson
Date27 January 2013
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MessageI just discovered your website. Thank you for starting this! I have started my genealogical journey, but cannot trace back very far using conventional means.

I discovered in 2006 that there was such a thing as DNA testing for genealogy! Last summer (2012) a new DNA SNP named L1029 was discovered, and I tested positive! One current hypothesis is that L1029 is a Polabian Slavic marker originating specifically with the ancient Venedi tribe. Today, the only Polabians left are the Sorbians!

I also tested more STR markers, and have been assigned to the Lusatian cluster (haplogroup R1a1a1b1a1b) in the R1a project. This would mean that sometime after about 500 BC, I have a chain of paternal ancestors who are in the same bloodline as you modern-day Sorbians! We are at least genetic cousins, or I may be fully Sorbian by my DNA!

I would like to encourage any Sorbian male in Lusatia who has a definite paternal family history of Sorbian male bloodline to test for as many Y-STR markers as you can (I did all 111), and to test for the SNP L1029. I used Then join the R1a or Polish project, and the administrators will advise you. (Disclaimer: I do NOT work for and there are other companies available.)

Enjoy the journey!

NameCarl Wendorff
Date23 January 2013
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageGreetings, from Sidney Montana. I am so excited to learn of the history of the Wends. I have just discovered this rich heritage and resources available here. I've always wondered about my ancestral history, but I never dreamed it might possibly be this rich.

I grew up on a farm in rural Minnesota. My grandmother is a genealogist and has traced both my mother's and father's family back to Pomerania, Prussia. During my undergraduate studies in theology and church ministry at Concordia, St. Paul, I spent 9 months on internship in Dallas, Texas. One weekend, I visited Austin and attended St. Paul's Lutheran Church, which has connections to the Texas Wends. I came so close to discovering the Wendish History, but at this time I had no idea of this rich heritage that I might have claim to. But I am glad to now have the opportunity to explore this heritage.

I have some work to do before I officially lay claim to the Wendish Heritage, but I will certainly use these resources to learn what I can. I'm sure I am experiencing the excitement that others have had in learning of this rich history.

NameLisa Craig
Date16 December 2012
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageMy great-great-great grandmother and children left their home near Cottbus in 1850 to make a perilous sea voyage to South Australia. I've discovered what remarkable people my ancestors were and what a significant contribution they made to Australia's development.

Private Message added 16 December 2012

Date19 November 2012
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageGreat site !Great idea,having a worldwide Wendish
Network.There seem to be more folks of Wendish background around than I thought ! Great !!!
Keep up the good work !


Date16 November 2012
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